Fox Exposes, US Military Threatens & Muslim Terrorists Threaten to Kill, Navy SEAL Hero

Maggie’s Notebook

In an unbelievable move, Fox News published the name of one of the first Navy SEALS through Osama bin Laden’s bedroom door the night bin Laden died. The Fox report says “multiple sources told Fox News” the SEAL’s real name. Then they put it in print. Whether they were the first or not, they should have not indulged in this exercise of a possible fatal betrayal of a man who obviously did not want his name released. The US Military is promising legal action, after standing by silent, as the Obama administration told details that should have never been told, immediately after the raid. I doubt so many SEALs would be talking, had their Commander-in-Chief kept his mouth shut. Today, there are reports of an al-Qaeda site or sites putting the SEAL’s name, a photograph of some kind, and his age on their Islamist website, calling for his death.

I Own the World and I’m a Man, I’m 41:

(NBC NEWS) Users on several militant Islamic websites affiliated with al-Qaida have posted the name and photo of a former Navy SEAL identified as the author of an upcoming book on the commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The posts called for his “destruction” in revenge for the al-Qaida founder’s killing.

Among the website publishing the death threats was the “Al-Fidaa” web forum, which al-Qaida uses to distribute its media and public communications, said Evan Kohlmann, an NBC News consultant and a terrorism analyst at Flashpoint Partners, a global security firm.

The SEAL named has written the book, No Easy Day under the pseudonym Mark Owen. He is now retired, but the US Military seems to be threatening him and others like him who publish without Pentagon approval. There are no criticisms against the Obama administration for his lying, leaking, Marxist Cabinet members and unelected bureaucrats (Obama appointees) who made it possible to track down some of the SEAL Team 6 mission members:

An official al Qaeda website on Friday posted a photograph and the name of the former Navy commando responsible for the book, calling him “the dog who murdered the martyr Sheikh Osama bin Laden.”

The head of U.S. Special Operations Command told current and former troops that the military would take legal action against anyone found to have exposed sensitive information that could cause harm to fellow forces.

“We will pursue every option available to hold members accountable, including criminal prosecution where appropriate,” Admiral Bill McRaven wrote in an open, unclassified letter emailed to the active-duty special operations community, and obtained by Reuters on Friday.

“As current or former members of our special operations community, authors have a moral obligation, and a legal duty, to submit their works for pre-publication security review,” the admiral wrote. Source: Reuters

After the SEAL’s name was published numerous places, Reuters would not print the name, but confirmed the name put in print by others, saying they were concerned for his safety. How insane is that?

What can we expect from Military brass when they has stood by and refused to admit that Fort Hood gunman Nidal Hasan is a terrorist, an Islamist and was allowed to get away with murder because they ignored the multiple Officers report’s on Hasan’s Islamist mindset and did nothing? Now we are allowing courtroom delays-after-delay because Hasan wants to wear a beard for religious purposes in the courtroom, where he is on trial for the murders of 13 Military and civilians (actually 14, a victim was pregnant)?  Hasan continues to receive full pay and benefits, while breaking Military rules against facial hair – and if there are exceptions for religious purposes, know that he was clean-shaven as a physician in the Military. Slap on the straight-jacket, get out the razor, do the job, plop his Islamist rear in the wheelchair and get on with it.

The book is No Easy Day by Mark Owen. Release date September 11, 2012. I’ve pre-ordered my Kindle copy.

Linked at BadBluethe baddest news on the planet!

Linked at What Would the Founders Think? in a Saturday round up – thank you!


  1. Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans?
    “Food For Thought”
    Semper Fi!

  2. Maybe if you didn’t violate OPSEC by writing a book you and your name wouldn’t be out there. The Bin Laden raid was theater anyway. The Navy isn’t ours anymore it’s “A Global Force For Good”.

  3. Completely agree, John Smith. Selling out your bothers to make a buck is an intentional decision; live with the consequences.

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