Gingrich, Paul, Romney & Santorum on Agenda 21 vs. U.S. Sovereignty

Update of “GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Development‘” (1/12/2012) further information provided, other candidates eliminatedWill 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism?

The Ground War in Your Neighborhood – Where do they Stand?

Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating Americans’ sacred and essential Popular and national Sovereignties. It has been happening for a long time, now.

People who believe in a Sovereign nation called the United States of America are being duped into not only violating the mandates of our Constitution, but even worse, into nullifying our own Declaration of Independence from the control of foreign, kleptocratic power.

This is the tragedy for us all, laying under the noses of those who foolishly follow the stratagems of those seeking hegemony over us via “global governance” and it’s ploy, “sustainable development,” a.k.a., “millennium goals,” a.k.a., “green growth,” as outlined in United Nations’ Agenda 21. It is being executed by ICLEI, regional councils, Barack Obama’s Executive Order 13575, and in many other ways governmental and paragovernmental, in corporations, finance, the news and entertainment media, and in eduction.

However, some seem not so fooled.

In alphabetical order, these are positions of the remaining Republican candidates for United States President, regarding this globalist warfare upon America and all the nations of the world.

Newt Gingrich, his opposition to Agenda 21 and plans in process:

Video, “Newt on Agenda 21,” uploaded July 26, 2011

Video, “Newt on,” uploaded September 16, 2011



Gingrich puts himself on the line for very anti-Agenda-21 policy, revealing the findings of research indicating huge oil fields beneath American soil, while advancing a policy of American private enterprise utilizing it:

Ron Paul, his opposition to Agenda 21, within the limits of a libertarian’s revised interpretation of federalism (also declares his opposition the United Nations as a whole, plus the IMF and the Federal Reserve):

Video, “Ron Paul Answers Agenda 21 Question,” uploaded August 10, 2011

Mitt Romney [edit] his favoring of and participation in Agenda 21, creating a Massachusetts testbed for its “sustainable development,” just as it was for the nucleus of Obamacare (the lesser of these two evils, the national lobbying of which he very apparently lied to cover up) and putting him at enmity with the sovereign United States of America:

…and one may page search “Romney” in this expansive collection of evidence:

Romney, during the current campaign, stating that government should take the lead in reducing “green house gas emissions”:

Video, “Romney answers question about renewables and green jobs,”
uploaded December 27, 2007

Romney during the 2012 campaign speaking up for man-made global warming and for national green policy (of which Agenda 21 is overarching):

Video, “Romney: Global Warming Is Real, Humans Have Impact

See in Gulag Bound:

Rick Santorum, answers generally, when asked specifically about Agenda 21:

Bill McNally: [A question about Agenda 21] Question to describe Agenda 21, what it means for America’s sovereignty, and how Santorum, as President, would enforce it.

Santorum: There are a lot of things that the U.N. promulgates through its various committees and agencies. The United Nations should serve some (emphasis his) on security issues, but a lot of the policies from the United Nations would be problematic for America. “We will not give legitimacy to UN organisations that promulgate a laundry list of ideas…. [including abortion] I’m not going to, as President, have our country participate in things that are antithetical to our values.” They are trying to impose international law on the sovereignty of the United States. Cited the Rights of the Child as a means of undermining parental authority. [This blogger will note that the Rights of the Child inexplicably does not include the right to be born without someone stabbing you in the head with a fork.]

From blog, Haemet,Live-Blogging Rick Santorum’s Town Hall in Windham, NH,”
January 5, 2012

Posted in Rick Santorum’s name, in Facebook, November 16, 2012

Conservatives and Tea Party folks that warn about Agenda 21 are correct in their concerns. The United Nations should not have control over the United States, we are a sovereign nation.

Posted at Santorum’s campaign site in, “Obama Regs versus Freedom,” January 16, 2012, the following does not address national sovereignty, nor the threat of Agenda 21 and globalist Marxism/fascism, but it does show a commitment to reversing environmental regulations:

What’s especially disconcerting is that some people who purport to stand against Obama’s failed economic and regulatory policies have shown a serious inability to combat regulatory overreach in the past. As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney supported major expansions of the role of government in regulating the environment and healthcare much in the same vein as the Obama Administration’s current regulatory trainwreck. With so much on the line for South Carolina’s families, we can’t risk more of the same.

As President, I would immediately rescind all major Obama regulations and work with Congress to reduce taxes for American families by tripling the personal deduction for each child. Not only am I committed to cutting at least $5 trillion within 5 years of federal spending, I will reduce the size and scope of government and encourage entrepreneurs to innovate new projects for American families. Enterprise isn’t free when it’s tangled in 82,000 pages of red tape every year. Getting rid of irrational and burdensome regulations is change that we can believe in together as we restore America’s greatness and freedom.

Directly related, here is an assessment of each candidate’s’ stance on the question…

  • Will you abolish the Environmental Protection Agencey (EPA)?
  1. Gingrich Yes. SOURCE
  2. Paul Yes. SOURCE
  3. Romney Supports much of the agency’s mission but would reform some things. SOURCE
  4. Santorum Modify it, not abolish it. SOURCE

in, republished from Tea Party Voter Guide, New Hampshire Edition

For further information on the candidates regarding the American Sovereignties and threats to them, including Agenda 21, see…

And for more on Agenda 21, click that tag link, paging/scrolling down to the earliest, first.

Caveat: all analysis of the behavior of human beings must be dynamic, not static. Let us keep asking questions. Here is one suggestion for ongoing activism:

We look forward to providing further information demonstrating key candidates’ stances on America’s most essential Sovereignty issues, in future articles and blog entries.


Permission granted to republish this article, in part, or in whole with credit to and backlink.

hat tip:
The many awake, aware, and alert United States Citizens,
who are pressing our candidates regarding our Sovereignty,
including that done through the Tea Party movement,
though others tragically focus only upon money.


  1. hmm.. the two people who are for the UN agenda 21 are winning the GOP nominations.. coincidence.. don’t think so…

    • What?? Santorum is not at all in favor of Agenda 21. He rightly condemned the UN Child madness & he places our sovereignty first. He just saw some worthy element in the Security Council. his comment is responsible.

      “Conservatives and Tea Party folks that warn about Agenda 21 are correct in their concerns. The United Nations should not have control over the United States, we are a sovereign nation.” – @RickSantorum

  2. No surprise that Romney didn’t really answer the question. He’s IGNORANT about global warming/climate change. It’s too bad that folks don’t RESEARCH this matter because on YouTube there’s even videos that show SCIENTIFIC evidence how Cosmic rays cause clouds, clouds cool the earth, the sun’s flares block cosmic rays, so warming periods coincide with periods of sun flares and NOT with CO2.
    As to “climate change”, anybody heard of Cloud Seeding? What is it for? CLimate change. So, do you think it’s PROVEN to change the climate or that they just do it for fun? So, we’ve purposefully changed the climate and it’s NOT due to CO2.

  3. I wouldn’t even begin to trust Newt’s answer! He’s going to say anything to look conservative and get elected!

    • Doc, Newt Gingrich, IMHO, put his life on the line, coming out with the news of the vast oil fields in America and committing to plans for U.S. private development of the same. We can generally believe someone who puts his life at risk.

    • Spot on! Newt is an enviroMENTAList from way back.

      In 1970, Gingrich joined the history department at West Georgia College as an assistant professor. In 1974 he moved to the geography department and was instrumental in establishing ** an interdisciplinary environmental studies ** program. Denied tenure, he left the college in 1978

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  5. There is only one candidate that introduced legislation that would abolish treaties that impede US sovereignty, and have America secede from the UNITED NATIONS. His name is Ron Paul.
    See U.S. Sovereignty Act. while the other candidates have talked a good talk, Paul backed it up with legislation. Surprisingly ( not really ) the legislation didn’t get much support from ” constitution loving” republicans or anyone else for that matter.

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