Sen. Chambliss asks Black Panthers’ Lawyer to Investigate SWAT’ing Felonies

Well, praise be to Saxby - and to ABC. One is glad whenever one sees people of responsible position who are awake, aware, and applied of conscience. Lately, one is even surprised. Forgive me my smirk and slightly shaking head at the thought of Eric "Black Panther" Holder, of Barack Obama and David Axelrod, of George Soros and the insurrection foundations and unionistas, of the complex, being confronted by such a … [Read more...]

SWATTING Under Eric Holder’s Nose: Silencing the Clarions

NoisyRoom The Indy Star: Picture from One of the Speedway Bomber Scenes Bloggers are being actively silenced by paid domestic terrorists. SWATting, the tactic of calling in phony emergency calls in order to have a SWAT Team dispatched to someone's home, is on the rise and all you hear from the FBI is crickets, although they could stop this if they wanted to. Maybe a moan from some innocent blogger or his family … [Read more...]

J. Christian Adams Talks To Tony Katz How Citizens Can End “SWATting”

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques In the wake of the coverage of Brett Kimberlin and his tactics, editor Erick Erickson found himself the victim of a "SWATting." Tony Katz speaks with former DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams of the about how citizens can end "SWATting" and fight back against those who want to silence free speech. Blaze Confirms: Conservative Blogger Arrested … [Read more...]

Stalking the Blogosphere: BlogBurst Friday, Free Speech Over Terrorism

*** If I missed anyone on the list, let me know and I will add you. 8) In Honor of Carl Delong Meet Soros-Funded Domestic Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Whose ‘Job’ Is Terrorizing Bloggers Into Silence Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert, and Their Campaign of Political Terrorism Free speech blogburst: Show solidarity for targeted conservative bloggers; Update: It’s Everybody … [Read more...]