Well, the latest mass shooting has occurred. So far, fourteen innocent lives have been lost. Our compatriot, Maggie Thornton is covering the incident and its mass media coverage in this multi-update article: James Holmes Kills 14 Wounds 50 at Batman Movie Aurora Colorado: James Holmes White Man Aurora Shooter July 20, 2012 By Maggie Just after midnight Rocky Mountain Time today, a man opened fire on … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Holder-Obama Guilt in Fast & Furious Now Confirmed

After refusing on Tuesday to provide Darrell Issa with the promised winnowed-down-by-Boehner-to-1,300 requested emails, Holder asked Obama Wednesday to approve Executive Privilege to end his provision to Congress of any and all additional materials that could harm him and Obama. Suffice it to say, Obama immediately signed off on it and issued yet another infamous ObamaFiat. Judge Andrew Napolitano advised that this … [Read more...]
Will “Fast and Furious” Topple Obama and Holder?

Accuracy in Media As much as the media have tried shielding the Obama administration from responsibility for corruption and malfeasance, the combined weight of the fallout from the Solyndra fiasco and the Operation Fast and Furious scandal have begun taking a serious toll on the administration. I will address Solyndra, the so called green energy company that received federal loans of more than a half a billion … [Read more...]
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