This article was first published in the first week of November, 2011 Click to listen to this article Barack Hussein Obama is rapidly becoming the Administrator that Colonel Edward Mandell House fantasized about in his horrible novel, Philip Dru: Administrator. Philip Dru said: "Our Constitution and our laws served us well for the first hundred years of our existence, but under the conditions of today … [Read more...]
Will the Real America Please Stand Up?
Click to listen to article America took a sharp left turn in 1912, when it elected a globalist with a strong Marxist philosophy. Woodrow Wilson, and his alter-ego, Colonel Edward Mandell House, created the League of Nations, created the Federal Reserve, created the income tax, and kicked the states out of the federal government by enacting the 17th Amendment. Conservatives turned the nation back to the right for … [Read more...]
Authoritarian Globalist: Barack Obama Does as Edward Mandel House Said
Barack Obama: Administrator Edward Mandel House wrote a terrible novel titled "Philip Dru: Administrator." The book is a vision of how House believed government should operate. As Woodrow Wilson's "alter-ego," he did everything he could to bring about his vision during Wilson's Presidency, including the design and creation of the League of Nations. House could not have known that some 70 years after … [Read more...]
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