Salute Her while She Sinks

"College professors have felt the heat of this repressive new order; researchers and scientists have encountered its ire; ministers have found themselves muzzled; teachers have been intimidated; employees have lost their jobs; even parents have been told that they cannot exercise their rights.  Queer has become something to fear, and gay is beginning to rule the day." - Dr. Michael L. Brown "A Queer Thing … [Read more...]

NAZI Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America

"The American homosexual movement really only began in the 1940s after the Allied defeat of the Nazis.  ...the center of international "gay" power in the world did in fact shift from Germany to the United States after the demise of the Third Reich.  This represented a huge setback for the "gay" movement, requiring it to begin "from scratch" as it were, since America in the 1940s was at least as family-centered as … [Read more...]

The Homosexual Agenda and the U.S. Military

"At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full ‘appreciation’ or ‘understanding’ of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing…then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually … [Read more...]