#LoudonClear: Tonight’s Special Guest Tim Burton

New Zeal


“In a free and open democracy, we should be allowed to talk about anything.” – Tim Burton

On #LoudonClear Thursday night, Trevor Loudon hosts Tim Burton, a special guest from across the pond who has been a vocal critic of Islam’s impact on the West, which has put him afoul of 2006 legislation in England “criminalizing racial and religious hatred” for tweeting that Fiyaz Mughal of Islamophobia-measuring group Tell Mama was a “mendacious taqiyya-artist.”

Burton was charged with “racially aggravated harassment.” Burton successfully made the case that “taqiyya” was not a racial slur, as argued by the court.

In fact, if one is advancing the cause of Islam, “taqiyya” is a duty, as noted by host Trevor Loudon.

Burton points out that criticism of Islam is “not allowed” in England and is again facing charges, but this time from a higher court!

Please listen and support Tim Burton:

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