Pro-North Korea Communists Defend Pyongyang, Condemn ‘The Interview’ Call for Black Revolution

New Zeal

Nick Maniace

Nick Maniace

Just recorded. Nick Maniace of the Workers World Party condemns US military “who commonly commit rape against South Korean civilians,” US “biological and chemical warfare” and espionage against North Korea, praises North Korea’s support of Black Panther revolutionaries and condemns “The Interview” as “hate speech and war propaganda.”

Did you know there was “no homelessness, no starvation… the people’s needs are being met” in the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea?

His comrade Monica Moorehead then goes on to talk up the “uprising against police terror” in the USA. “Now people are questioning the role of the police… this is going to bring people around to Marxism, to revolutionary thinking.”

This would be laughable, if the Workers World Party weren’t one of the major players in the recent wave of unrest across the United States.

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