IRS: Despite 6 ‘Progressive’ Pop-ups, those Targeted, Flagged, Abused: 100% Conservatives

Maggie’s Notebook

The Democrat House Ways and Mean Committee chairman received a letter  from Inspector General for the U.S. Treasury Tax Administration J. Russell George, saying  100 percent of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status were put under IRS review, while only 30 percent of “progressive” groups were scrutinized – 292 conservative groups targeted, flagged and abused, and only 6 progressive groups receiving some review, but not specifically targeted.


The Wednesday letter to the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee punched a huge hole in Democratic claims that progressive groups were targeted as much as the Tea Party groups from May 2010-May 2012, the height of the Tea Party movement.

The letter from the Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration revealed that there just weren’t many progressive groups who even sought special tax exempt status. A total of 20 sought it, and six were probed. All 292 Tea Party groups, meanwhile, were part of the IRS witchhunt.

“At this point, the evidence shows us that conservative groups were not only flagged, but targeted and abused by the IRS,” said Sarah Swinehart spokeswoman for the Ways and Means Committee…

Democrats had noticed that the word “progressives” was on the so-called Be On The Lookout, or BOLO, list. But the Treasury IG suggested that the list wasn’t used. Source: Washington Examiner

While six “progressive” groups were reviewed and received extra scrutiny, “the IRS didn’t necessarily target” those groups.

“While we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of tea party and other related criteria we described in our report, including employee interviews, e-mails, and other documents, we found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention,” Mr. George wrote.


Cartoon courtesy of Cato’s Domain 


  1. says:

    IRS: Despite 6 ?Progressive? Pop-ups, those Targeted, Flagged, Abused: 100% Conservatives

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