Communist ‘Peace’ Movement Uses Their ‘Friend’ Obama’s Economic Crisis to Gut US Military

New Zeal

The US left’s number one goal has long been the destruction of the U.S. military. Which is why the Communist Party USA and their allies have always controlled the major U.S. “peace” movements.

If the US military can be weakened or destroyed, the communist’s friends in Moscow, Beijing, Havana, Caracas, Pyongyang, Hanoi and Tehran will have no significant impediment to world domination.


Judith LeBlanc

One of the Communist Party’s key peace activists is Judith LeBlanc.

From the People’s World:

Judith LeBlanc has been working non-stop over the last 10 years to end U.S.wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

LeBlanc is motivated by a bigger vision to completely change “national spending priorities from wars and weapons to funding jobs, human services, and diplomacy.”

LeBlanc, a veteran of decades of organizing for workers rights, equality and peace, is national field director for U.S. Peace Action which, with a membership of 90,000, is the largest peace organization in the country.

LeBlanc is also one of the Vice-Chairs of the Communist Party USA and chairs it’s Peace and Solidarity Commission – the body charged with controlling the “peace” movement.

Before her current role with Peace Action, she was the national Co-Chair of United for Peace and Justice, with fellow Marxist and pro-Cuba activist, Leslie Cagan.

LeBlanc has a habit of hobnobbing with tyrants and extremists, as this 2002 photo of LeBlanc with Palestinian terrorist leader Yasser Arafat shows.


LeBlanc and the communists want to use their “friend” Barack Obama’s economic crisis as an excuse to gut the U.S. military. This is their time and they don’t mean to lose this opportunity to destroy America’s defenses, to the advantage of their foreign allies, once and for all.

Despite great difficulties, LeBlanc sees tremendous opportunities to change the debate in the country and demilitarize the economy and U.S. foreign policy.

Prioritizing cuts to the Pentagon budget has taken on a new urgency since President Obama announced a federal budget proposals that include cuts to Social Security even though it has nothing to do with the federal budget deficit.

Although somewhat split, the public prefers cutting Pentagon spending to cutting social benefits and programs.

LeBlanc acknowledges redirecting funding from the Pentagon budget is a tough battle and pits the public against the powerful military industrial complex, Wall Street and the political ultra-right.

But LeBlanc remains optimistic and believes “changing U.S. spending priorities entails building political pressure on Congress through common efforts of community, labor, and peace groups.”

Among the Peace Action campaigns LeBlanc is coordinating is the “Move the Money” Campaign, a grassroots coalition effort to change national spending priorities by moving the money from the Pentagon to fund jobs, human needs and diplomacy.

“The campaign relies on organizing labor- community coalition building nationally and locally, public education and mobilizing political pressure on Congress,” says LeBlanc.

There is no other way to create millions of jobs than through government investment in public infrastructure and social programs, she says.

“More jobs can be created by converting to a sustainable, demilitarized economy, through funding energy conservation, building a sustainable manufacturing and energy sector and hiring millions of teachers and health care workers,” she says.

And of course North Korean sabre-rattling is all America’s fault. Notwithstanding that Pyongyang wouldn’t belch, if Beijing didn’t tell it to. “Rogue Nation?” Garbage. All this posturing is just to make China look good when it settles North Korea down again – probably in exchange for massive Western aid.

LeBlanc says growing tensions on the Korean peninsula are directly related to the Administration’s so-called “Asia Pivot” involving more troops, aircraft carriers, and military alliances as a challenge to China.

The recent U.S. war games in the region and failure to make a sustained effort of multilateral regional negotiations has inflamed the difficult relations between South Korea and the DPRK.

But the peace movement, in alliance with the Asian community and immigrant groups, is vigorously countering this with educational materials and plans for Congressional pressure to debunk the rational for the so called “Asia Pivot” as yet another failed policy and waste of resources.

“There’s no end to our work,” says LeBlanc. “But we’re more confident each day that we can bring about real and lasting change.”

Mmm… That “change” word. Where have I heard that before?

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