Contrary to popular opinion, the US Democratic Party does not set much of its own policy.
Democrat policy is actually dictated by the labor unions and radical think tanks, such as the Center for American Progress, and the Institute for Policy Studies.
The unions are dominated by the US’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America – which also works closely with the C.A.P. and I.P.S.
So, by a process of osmosis and deliberate orchestration, D.S.A., and their friends in the Communist Party USA, effectively dictate Democrat policy at state and national levels.
On November 16, the Democratic Socialists of America National Political Committee released After the Election: Keep Fighting, a blueprint for DSA action and priorities for the first segment of Obama’s second term.
It is basically a guide to action for long time DSA ally Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, over the next two years.
Diverting money from the military to social spending will be a huge part of the agenda. After all, a strong US military is the major block to world revolution.
The push will be towards universal socialist healthcare and an economy wrecking Financial Transactions Tax.
Ending poverty through massive re-distribution will be a big focus… capitalizing on the 50th anniversary of DSA founder Michael Harrington‘s famous book “The Other America,” which helped to launch Lyndon Johnson’s catastrophic and completely counter productive “War on Poverty” in the mid-1960s.
Students will be manipulated with promises of loan forgiveness. There will be a huge push for immigration reform. DSA leader Eliseo Medina, a leader of the movement, has openly boasted that this will mean eight million more Democrat Party votes.
The Right, backed by a toxic flow of big money into politics and shameless efforts at voter suppression, tried to turn the 2012 election into a mandate for a regressive political agenda. The Republicans intended to overturn the modest gains of the president’s first term and roll back progressive reforms dating back to the New Deal…
Taken as a whole, the results were a narrow but decisive victory for progressives that more than exceeded expectations, demonstrating just how out of touch the Republicans are. Progressive voters and their organizations can be justly proud of their role in achieving this result.
The challenges are many, and the best way not to lose heart is to address them sequentially. First, we must resist the immediate blackmail of the “Fiscal Cliff,” that illegitimate offspring of the “Deficit Crisis” mania that paralyzed Washington in Obama’s first term. DSA will work together in local coalitions with the many organizations of the Coalition on Human Needs to defend the interests of the working poor and most vulnerable members of society.
DSA will also advance sensible demands that may not be those of all coalition members. Cutting military budgets and recognizing that military projects are ineffective at generating jobs are essential to right the economy. Medicare is best fixed by expanding it to cover all, young and old. A financial transactions tax would go a long way toward reducing the deficit
In 2013, DSA will help mobilize for an August March on Washington for Democracy and Equality, making use of its 50th Anniversary Other America materials in its preparation. We also support the call of Cornel West and Tavis Smiley for a White House Conference on ending poverty.
And, we will organize for the YDS campaign for Affordable and Accessible Higher Education and to support the Student Loan Forgiveness Act.
Since the election results firmly placed immigration reform on the national agenda, DSA reaffirms its support for comprehensive reform that welcomes and eases the path for millions of new citizens and we will actively take parts in campaigns to achieve it.
DSA cannot try to do everything that should be done, but should strive to do a few things well. Part of our internal political education program, using GET UP (Grassroots Economics Training for Understanding and Power) materials, is to bring together our analytic and organizing skills so that we can better set and carry out our local and chapter priorities.
DSA is determined to use the breathing space won in the election campaign to refocus our resolve and strengthen our work for real social justice.
Until conservatives and Republicans realize that they are opposing a Marxist dominated party, they are destined to a series of defeats on the way to political oblivion.
This is no longer the party of Truman or Kennedy, but the party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky and Gramsci.
The old rules of fair play no longer apply. The modern Dems will lie, cheat, steal elections and viciously demonize their opposition at every opportunity.
Republicans are no longer fighting old line Democrats. They are effectively battling D.S.A, the Communist Party and the labor unions. The Democrats are simply a front for the Marxists.
These people play dirty, and they play for keeps.
Not only do many conservatives and GOPers not realize their true opponents are Marxists, plenty of Dems do not realize it. They believe a redistributive community is an American value. They believe that government bestows rights. They believe that child care and education should be free and centralized. They believe in equality of outcome. Plenty of my fellow citizenry are Marxists but simply do not realize it (or can’t come to terms with it).
I fear the Cloward-Piven strategy is a mere month away with a social democratic revolution to soon follow. 2013 is not going to be a good year.
Before you can change to Socialism you first have to change education? Look at all of the examples throughtout history. Re-educate your public into believing in Socialism at an early age! Eleminate leaders and educators who believe differently and deny access to any and all forms of disagreement! Use people like Bill Ayers to educate your young people? Common Core education is not what it seems to be just like No Child Left Behind was not what it seemed to be? Clean air Clean Jobs is another example using key words that sound good to get people to believe in your cause is very effective and this process started long before President Obama!