Sarah Palin (& I) on Barack Obama’s Post Re-election Presser

In his press conference today, Barack Obama went weird on the subject of his direct report, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, instead of telling who instructed her (his direct report) to spout the big lie on her Sunday morning disinformation media tour, September 16th.

He was not asked whether he issued the order for our military and CIA personnel to stand down and refuse to aid our heroes who were killed and wounded in Benghazi, as they depended on him and them to honor their commitment. And of course he did not answer this question that he was not asked.

He dodged like a dodgeballer on knowing CIA Director Petraeus was under investigation during his re-election campaign.

Further, he was not asked about his administration’s spate of post Benghazi actions against military officers (that I recall).

Sarah Palin in New Hampshire, September 5th, 2011

Sarah Palin’s take, via Facebook:

Who is running our country? We’ve got a CIA Director sharing security info with his mistress using an unsecure gmail account. We’ve got the delusional Susan Rice blaming the death of an ambassador on a Youtube video. We’ve got Iran firing on one of our drones a week before the election. We’ve got the White House either ignorant of or covering up all of this. Who is minding the store? Everywhere we look we see the rank incompetence or corruption of the people who are supposedly running our country and our major institutions. Let’s hope that responsible reporters at Obama’s press conference today ask the right questions Americans deserve answers to.

Here’s my question for the president: As our nation’s chief executive you claim to be unaware of the most important and tragic situations we’re facing; so, as a former chief executive, I’d like to know how long it takes for your staff to tell you things like: “Sir, your CIA Director is under investigation”?

– Sarah Palin


From FoxNewsChannel, republished in YouTube, today, a reminder that requests by the ex-SEALS who gave their lives on 9-11-12 were turned down, three times:

SEAL father: Who denied backup during Benghazi attack?


  1. She is still the idiot she was 4 years ago! Bless her cold heart, she has no idea of anything because she still has someone do her work. She was not an executive of anything, not even her family. Go away already. Tell your ghost writer to black out the post! You are totally irrelevant!

  2. Tracy – I see that you lib/progs still feel threatened by the obvious superior intellect of Sarah Palin – even four years after your ‘party of tolerance’ began attacking her mercilessly.. Your clan always seems to level the most ferocious attacks on those whom you feel the most threatened by. It’s amusing to us right-of-center folks who can actually see this. Thanks for the entertainment!

  3. For liberals to get their panties in such a knot over Sarah Palin speaks volumes for the lady. She obviously scares them. But then any adult would.

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