Confessions of a Racist

By: Citizen Scribe

Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, a symbol of the human race and of order in the universe

Hi, my name is Scribe, and I’m a racist.

  • I’m a racist because I oppose high taxes.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that the government should not control private businesses or private lives.
  • I’m a racist because I believe in the greatness of America, despite the blunders of those who govern her.
  • I’m a racist because I believe in the conservation of the Constitution.
  • I’m a racist because I detest communism and fascism and all other forms of total government.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that when someone identifies himself as an enemy, you should take him at his word.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that same principle applies to nations.
  • I’m a racist because I believe it is wrong to fund your enemies.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that “equality” applies to opportunity, not outcomes.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that “equality” applies to the application of laws, even to those who write them.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that a man’s worth is found in what he produces, not in the amplitude of his emotions.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that what a man produces and earns belongs to him, and not to someone who claims to “need” it.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that it is wrong to confiscate a man’s earnings because you think you’ll spend it better than he will.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that the sole purpose of education should be to effect competence in life, and not to inculcate a belief system.
  • I’m a racist because I want my leaders and legislators to tell the truth and keep their promises.
  • I’m a racist because I believe that art should serve morality and decency, not strive to tear them down.

Mostly, though, I’m a racist because I believe that color doesn’t matter and that character is everything.

I realize that my racism is a serious character flaw, and I’m working on it. Trouble is, every time I look at history and realize the horrific damage done by governments seeking to control everything, I find at least one more thing to be racist about.

In fact, I’m only now beginning to realize how racist it is for me to believe that God is not a sub-atomic particle.


I guess the only comfort I’m going to find is among other racists like myself.


  1. I can get into this.

  2. Looks like I’m a “racist” too.


  4. junkyard infidel says

    ditto that … i’m an ignorant, redneck, white trash, gringo, cracker, infidel RACIST ! and damn proud of it !

  5. Bloodless Coup says

    “FELONY: No Proof Barry Soetoro Ever Legally Changed His Name to Barack Hussein Obama – Details His Fake Life”

  6. Me too. I’m also a Sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, infidel, capitalist, and a warmongering nationalist veteran – and damn proud.
    Oh, I’m also a glowbull warming denier, and a birther.

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