The Phony Right Wing, Part 9: Rick Santorum

This is the remaining installment of Kelleigh Nelson’s “Phony Right Wing” series on Republican candidates for president, the entire collection, cataloged here. We thank her for her exacting research and time consuming work.

Ms. Nelson’s perspectives may not be the usual to some conservative readers. Her vantage is more similar to that of the very laudatory John Birch Society, than the neocons they scrutinize and aptly criticize. Her highest political priorities include a Christ-informed conscience and strict constitutionalism.

Her scrutiny is painstaking and often painful for her subjects, who proffer themselves as strongly (or “severely”) conservative. My personal suggestion is to always compare her exposes with what she and others at Gulag Bound have found of Mitt Romney, as a baseline of a phony and reprehensible Republican. 

-Arlen Williams

This is a compilation of three articles on Rick Santorum (we’ll call them A, B, and C).


Most of your typical Republicans would vote for Lucifer if he is the party nominee,
yet they criticize Ron Paul, who is the only candidate with a plan to reduce the size
of the federal government and balance the budget.
Tona Monroe, January, 2012


I never intended to write an article on Rick Santorum, but people have encouraged me to in case he becomes the “fall-back” candidate, despite the fact I still believe he is an “also-ran.”  Rick Santorum to me is another globalist, war mongering, elitist, leftist politician masquerading as a conservative.  I have to disagree with the claims of his social conservatism.  So, once again I ask you to pay special attention to the links I’ve provided and bear with me as I dredge through the mud of another presidential hopeful.  This is only part one of a two part article because there is so much to tell.

Are the Primaries Valid?

I grew up in Chicago where dead people voted for Kennedy to make him the winner in the 1960 presidential election against Richard Nixon.  I’ve read about the dead voters in Texas who elected Lyndon Baines Johnson to the Senate in 1948. I also know the countless reports of voter fraud since then, thus there is no way I believe Romney, Newt, and Santorum received the votes claimed by the Mainstream Media.  After all, we now have dead people voting in the New Hampshire primary. Link   Also, a caucus vote counter in Iowa says “type-o’s” gave mistaken counts of 22 votes to Romney in Iowa rather than the real count of two.  Link.  Business Insider magazine says Ron Paul may have secretly won the Iowa caucuses.  Link  Now the Chicago Tribune says Rick Santorum may have won Iowa.   And finally, Voter fraud in Iowa is now official. So who is the real winner?

At the end of December the state of South Carolina received notification that the Justice Department was rejecting South Carolina’s law requiring voters to show photo ID before casting their ballots. The department claims the law makes it harder for minorities to vote.   Does this give license for the dead to vote again?  The Huffington Post reported Newt cancelled an appearance prior to the SC primary for lack of attendance, but then he went on to win the SC primary?

In my local Knoxville News Sentinel on Saturday, December 17, 2011, the lead article was “Haslam Concerned About Voter ID Law.”  Our leftist Republican Governor Haslam has “voiced concern to legislators that the new state law requiring voters to have photo ID will make it ‘unnecessarily hard’ for some people to cast ballots in next year’s elections.”  The law was enacted by a Republican-controlled legislature and signed by Haslam earlier in 2011. Tennessee’s primary is on Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012.  The conclusions are obvious.

Who are the Eligible Candidates?

Before we look closely at Rick Santorum, let’s first look at all the ineligible candidates running in the race for president.  The term “natural born citizen” was well defined at the time the Constitution was written. The definition was given clearly in The Law of Nations by Emerich D. Vattel, a book that was sent to Franklin during the drafting of the Constitution. The founders specifically made the distinction from a regular citizen to insure that our presidency would not be co-opted by someone with foreign interests at heart (like the POTUS we now have). In order to be a natural born citizen, one must be born of two citizen parents and Obama clearly does not qualify, regardless of where he was born or if the certificate he posted is real. If this requirement can be so easily be ignored, everything is up for grabs.

Next let’s look at Willard Mitt Romney whose father was born in Mexico and whose grandparents left America for Mexico because of US polygamy laws.  In Devvy Kidd’s recent article in NWV’s, she stated, “Mitt Romney is NOT a Natural Born Citizen unless he can prove that George Romney gained citizenship from naturalization prior to Mitt’s birth in 1947. I have found no records showing this to be the case.”

Marco Rubio has been mentioned many times as a Vice Presidential candidate.  I’m certainly not a fan of Rubio, but again Rubio is not eligible.  Article 2 of the constitution, which says, “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”  The above writings of Vattel, along with others, verify what is meant by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.  Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, but his parents didn’t become citizens until 1975.

Now let’s take a look at Rick Santorum.  Rick Santorum was born in Winchester, Virginia, and raised in Berkeley County, West Virginia, and Butler County, Pennsylvania.  He is a son of Aldo Santorum (1923-2011) and his wife, Catherine Santorum (née Dughi, born 1918).  His father was an Italian immigrant, originally from Riva del Garda, Italy, and his mother is of half-Italian and half-Irish descent.  Santorum’s father emigrated from Italy before WWII.  Although his wife has claimed that he served in the U.S. military during WWII, no documentation of that service can be found, and no evidence can be found that he ever became a U.S. citizen.

Now, according to Dr. Herb Titus, counsel to the law firm William J. Olson, he explains Natural Born Citizen most likely means the offspring born in the country of two citizen parents. Here is his video explanation of the term, “natural born citizen.”

So, the question remains…is Rick Santorum eligible to be president of the United States?  Of course, Obama has already set the precedent, and the constitution and writings of founders have been denied, so it may have become a moot point to the elite.

Santorum and Politics

Rick Santorum received a B.A. with honors in political science from Pennsylvania State University in 1980, an M.B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981, and a Juris Doctorate degree with honors from the Dickinson School of Law in 1986.  Santorum first became actively involved in politics through volunteering for the late Senator John Heinz, a Republican from Pennsylvania and heir to the H.J. Heinz fortune.

In 1990 he was elected to the US House of Representatives for two terms.  He became a Senator in 1994 during the “Republican takeover.”  He served as Senator from Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2006.

Santorum would not be our first Catholic president.  In 2002, Rick traveled to Rome to speak at a centenary celebration of the birth of Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei.  He and his wife were invested as Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta in a ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on November 12, 2004.

Rick disagrees with former President John Kennedy who espoused distinctions between personal beliefs and public responsibility saying this had caused great harm.  However, JFK served in the White House long before the social issues of today like abortion and homosexuality were on the front burners of campaign rhetoric. Rick says his personal beliefs would be his public stances.  Let’s see if that’s really true.


Santorum’s real claim to fame is his pro-life stance, and his alleged social conservatism.  However, in the 1980s his wife Karen while a nursing student, dated the abortion doctor who happened to have delivered her.  Link Their affair went on for over six years and she left the doctor after meeting Rick Santorum.  Her 40 year senior lover, Dr. Tom Allen stated in a Newsweek interview, “When she moved out to go be with Rick, she told me I’d like him, that he was pro-choice and a humanist,” he said at the time. “But I don’t think there’s a humanist bone in that man’s body.” Link

Of course, we all do stupid things in our youth and our ideas and beliefs can change.

Rick and his wife, Karen Garver Santorum have seven living children.  The youngest is Isabella who was diagnosed with a serious genetic disorder most often caused by the advanced age of the mother.  Little “Bella” was recently hospitalized.  The Santorum’s were recently on James Dobson’s radio program talking about the tragedy of losing their son Gabriel in 1996.  They claimed he was born prematurely and died two hours after birth.  Other articles claim the child was stillborn.  They brought the deceased infant home from the hospital and introduced him to their children as their brother Gabriel before the funeral and burial.

In a 2004 interview on PBS with Terry Gross, Rick Santorum talked about his wife’s 1996 second trimester abortion.  They obviously don’t like to describe it that way. Karen had to justify her decision to save her own life by explaining that if she had not had the late term abortion, she could have died and her other children would have lost their mother.

In Karen’s 19th week of pregnancy check up, the Santorum’s were told the baby had a defect and was going to die.  A bladder shunt surgery was done on the baby, but the risk of infection was high.  Karen developed a high fever two days later and was rushed to the hospital.  They were told she had an intrauterine infection and the baby was the source.  Once Karen was put on IV antibiotics for the infection, they knew the baby was lost as this induced labor.  Gabriel was delivered and died two hours later.  Both Karen and the baby very well would have died had they not intervened to save Karen’s life.  It was a terrible loss for the family.

I certainly do not consider this an abortion, although some might.  However, there are problems with what occurred in the Santorum family versus Rick’s public statements.  Santorum’s views are unapologetically black-and-white. He advocates that any doctor performing an abortion under any circumstances should be criminally charged,  even for rape, even for incest, and even for saving the mother’s life.  None of them justify abortion in Rick Santorum’s world, unless of course, it’s his own wife.

Support for Pro-Abort Christine Todd Whitman

In 1997, Santorum campaigned for the abortion promoting governor of New Jersey, Christine Todd Whitman, CFR member and former EPA administrator (2001-2003).  Governor Whitman has deep associations with radical abortion supporting groups; Republicans for Choice and The Republican Majority for Choice.  In fact, Whitman is even an active proponent of partial birth abortions.  In January 2008, she was named a co-chair of the globalist new age Aspen Institute’s Health Stewardship Project. The former head of the Aspen Institute, new age environmentalist Maurice Strong, has membership in the following organizations, but this does not include the entire list:

Senior Advisor to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
Senior Advisor to World Bank President James Wolfensohn
Chairman of the Earth Council (Agenda 21/Sustainable Development)
Chairman of the World Resources Institute
Co-Chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum
member of Toyota’s International Advisory Board

He is also a long time member of the Futurist Society (which Newt Gingrich belongs to as well as Newt’s long time friends Alvin and Heidi Toffler).

According to her bio on the Whitman Strategy Group website, Whitman has the following affiliations:

Director, Americans Elect (corporations promoting presidential candidates for corporate benefit)

In June 2008, Whitman was named chair of the Water Policy Institute.

The bottom line is…why would a so-called social conservative ever support a woman like Whitman who is anathema to Santorum’s spouted beliefs? Or is she?

Support for Radical Abortionist Senator Arlen Specter

In 2001, Senator Santorum actively campaigned for pro-abort Senator Arlen Specter instead of pro-life congressman Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.  Santorum had previously endorsed Specter in his short-lived campaign for president in 1996.  Specter had previously supplied Santorum with key political staff for his successful run in 1994. Specter of course changed from a left-wing Republican to a left-wing Democrat hoping to retain his seat.

Specter has never been a conservative.  He served as assistant counsel for the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the “single bullet theory,” or “magic bullet theory” as it’s called by critics.

Specter’s opposition to Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork in 1987 is seen as an important factor in the nomination’s failure.

In April 2009, Specter switched parties giving the Democrats a 60th vote in the Senate when Al Franken was declared the winner in Minnesota and sworn in after court challenges in July 2009.  Specter put that vote to good use casting the 60th vote for cloture on Obamacare in late December 2009.  Having enabled Obamacare to proceed to a full vote, Specter cast the 50th vote for Obamacare (guaranteeing passage because Biden could cast a tie breaker).

Santorum claims he had to support Specter’s Senate race because Specter was the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and could see to it that the skids were greased for President Bush’s Supreme court nominees.  All but 22 Democrats voted to approve Roberts.

Specter supports LGBT rights. He voted to prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation, and was a co-sponsor of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Specter is opposed to same-sex marriage, but is also opposed to a federal ban and supports civil unions.   Specter also voted in favor of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in the lame-duck session of the 111th Congress.

Specter voted 50% of the time with the Democrats when he was a Republican and 90% of the time when he became a Democrat.  Thanks to President Bush and Santorum, Arlen Specter is responsible for giving us the draconian Obamacare legislation.

Why would “Mr. Pro-Life” strongly campaign for a rabid pro-abortion candidate against a strong pro-life candidate?

Santorum and Planned Parenthood

The following is from the New American article which appeared January 17, 2012 entitled, Santorum Voted to Subsidize Abortion, Planned Parenthood, by Alex Newman.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions. Santorum’s votes to indirectly fund (through title X family planning) abortion provider Planned Parenthood clinics makes him a partner in crime of the ungodly murder of the innocent unborn. “Mr. Pro-life” voted to have innocent Americans placed into the PP vegi-matic laboratories and enthusiastically campaigned for pro abortion Arlen Specter against the more conservative Pat Toomey. Rick may mistakenly believe that his votes to indirectly fund Planned Parenthood can be hidden from Christians that march for life, but they can’t.

Santorum has also  voted for legislation that is being used to federally prosecute peaceful pro-life protesters who demonstrate outside of abortion clinics.  He also argued that he voted for the unconstitutional appropriations — used for terminating pregnancies, lobbying against pro-life legislation, handing out birth control, and litigating to keep abortion legal — because they were part of bigger spending bills he supported.  Santorum also voted for the Democrat-sponsored “Freedom of Access to [Abortion] Clinic Entrances Act,” legislation purportedly making it a federal crime to “interfere” with a person seeking to terminate a pregnancy. As critics warned at the time, the bill has been used with increasing frequency to prosecute peaceful protesters.

Mathew 7:16-17 states, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.  Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.”

It is not by their words, but by their actions we are to judge these politicians, and thus in effect we are to be “fruit inspectors.”

Next, we’ll look at the rest of Santorum’s voting record and whether he’s brought forth good fruit or evil fruit.


“I believe there are more instances of abridgement of freedom of the people
by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent
and sudden usurpations …”
James Madison

Many of you who read my articles and write me wonderful letters and even take the time to send me gifts have actually become wonderful cyber friends.  Because so many of you have requested these articles on the GOP candidates, I’ve had to dredge through their backgrounds and their voting records for documentation.  It has not been an easy task, and I’m always relieved when I’m finished with writing about another one of these traitorous leaders.  In the previous article on Santorum, the research was on his somewhat hypocritical pro-life stance.  In this article we’ll be looking at his voting record and fiscal policies.  The articles on Rick Santorum will be three parts.

Rick Santorum has the dubious distinction of being one of the most corrupt politicians in America, and one of the most corrupt senators in his brief so-called ‘representation’ of Pennsylvania–when he didn’t even live there.   His rhetoric may be that of a conservative, but research shows he’s closer to the communist Santorum clan in Italy than they or we know.  Perhaps the acorn hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

No Child Left Behind

January, 2012 marks the 10-year anniversary of the day Bush signed NCLB into law in Hamilton, Ohio. By his side were the leaders of the education committees in Congress, Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, the bipartisanship duo that made this horrible Act possible.  Rick Santorum voted for and strongly supported legislation that doubled the size of the Department of Education and he was a big supporter of NCLB who joined with Kennedy to push passage of this Act. 

This legislation, which passed 381-41 in the House and 87-10 in the Senate in January 2002, is accompanied by the largest dollar increase ever in federal education aid. Education Week, 1/9/02, describes the No Child Left Behind Act as follows: “The mega-measure is accompanied by the largest dollar increase ever in federal education aid. The Department of Education’s overall budget will rise by $6.7 billion in fiscal 2002, to nearly $49 billion.” The legislation, although pretending to terminate the highly controversial Goals 2000 and the School-To-Work (STW) legislation passed in the nineties under President Clinton and initiated in the eighties under Presidents Reagan and Bush, Sr., actually continues the totalitarian agenda because all states have implemented the requirements of Goals 2000 and STW.

On her website Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt , the brilliant education researcher and former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, has a wonderful article exposing the truth about this horrid legislation.  A quote from it states:

Although Pres. Bush, according to a Washington Times article by Bill Sammon, 1/9/02, said in regard to the education bill he signed that “Parents will have more information about the schools and more say in how their children are educated . . . from this day forward, all students will have a better chance to learn, to excel and to live out their dreams.” Pardon me, but this is a plain lie, and a lie embraced by Mass. Senator Ted Kennedy and others (like Rick Santorum John Boehner) supporting this legislation as well. How can parents have a say in how their children are educated when the federal government is mandating testing of children’s attitudes and values? (Sixty percent of the test items on National Assessment of Educational Progress – NAEP are attitudinal.) Bush’s mandate for testing will of course call for a mandated federal curriculum since one can’t test what one hasn’t taught. What tiny bit of local control remained prior to this legislation will be swept away. School superintendents and good teachers are already complaining about having lost control. Even the New York Times has problems with Leave No Child Behind. It bragged that the more than 1000-page giant education bill will “dramatically extend the federal role in public education” and, indeed, is “a breathtaking intrusion of the federal government on states’ control of education.”

Rick didn’t stop there, he voted to increase Federal funding for teacher testing, and to increase spending for the Department of Education by $3.1 billion.

Second Amendment

Senator Santorum has a mixed record on the second amendment. . He claims he’s staunchly pro-second amendment.  However, in the 90s, he voted to support the Lautenberg Gun Ban, which stripped for life, law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights, simply because they spanked their children or did nothing more than grab a spouses wrist.

He voted for a bill in 1999 disguised as an attempt to increase penalties on drug traffickers with guns… but it also included a provision to require federal background checks at gun shows.  And then he voted with gun-controlling Democrats Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and  Frank Lautenberg to mandate locks on handguns in 2005. (S Amdt 3230 Gun Lock Requirement Amendment)

Worst of all, Rick Santorum has a storied history of bailing out anti-gun Republicans facing reelection.  Santorum came to anti-gun Arlen Specter’s defense in 2004 when he was down in the polls against pro-gun Republican Pat Toomey. Specter won and continued to push for gun control during his years in the Senate.

Santorum also flip-flopped here by voting for the Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill and then he voted against S1805 – Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill.  In 2004, Senator Santorum voted for legislation to require child locks on all weapons.  That same legislation contained the Gun Free School Zone Act. That legislation made it illegal to be in possession of a firearm on school grounds.

Senator Santorum has repeatedly supported Project Exile. Project Exile was a federal program started in Richmond, Virginia in 1997. The project was designed to shift the prosecution of illegal technical gun possession offenses from state courts to federal court, where they carried a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in federal prison under the federal Gun Control Act of 1968.

Santorum Voted to require pawn shops to do background checks on people who pawn a gun.  Voted twice to make it illegal to sell a gun without a secure storage or safety device.  Voted for a Federal ban on possession of “assault weapons” by those under 18.  Voted for Federal funding for anti-gun education programs in schools.  Voted for anti-gun juvenile justice bill.  Sounds to me like Rick Santorum made a lot of unconstitutional deals.

Fiscal Responsibility

Rick Santorum voted five times to raise the debt ceiling adding trillions to the debt and stated, “I am no longer a deficit hawk, I had to spend the surpluses.”  (The Hill, 2/5/03).  While in office, Santorum voted to spend taxpayer money to fight AIDS globally, to help underprivileged children in third world countries, to pay off debts owed to the US by other nations and to combat political instability in Sudan. Where is any of this allowed in our constitution?

On Welfare alone he voted to allow welfare to a minor who had a child out of wedlock and who resided with an adult who was on welfare within the previous two year.  Santorum voted against both food stamp and Medicaid Reform,  and voted for $2 billion for low income heating assistance.

He voted to increase welfare programs such as Healthy Start. Such social-welfare spending projects are not typically associated with the concept of Republican conservatism, or at least they didn’t used to be.  He also strongly supported the largest hike in welfare entitlement spending in history (prior to Obamacare) – Medicaid Part D and Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for Medicare prescription drugs.  This was the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon B. Johnson, creating $16 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.  This was George W. Bush’s free prescription medicine program, virtually socializing the pharmaceutical industry which is now being funded by ever increasing prescription drug prices to consumers. Santorum was quite happy to vote to enrich the industry from which he had received so many campaign contributions.  In fact, Santorum was such a favorite of GlaxoSmithKline that, following the loss of his senate seat, executives wrote, “The defeat of [Santorum] creates a big hole we need to fill.” The leaked memo is evidence that unprincipled politicians, like Santorum, can still be bought and sold in the USA.

Santorum cosponsored the Workplace Religious Freedom Act with John Kerry.  Other backers included Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy.  This Act would have forced all business owners to accommodate the religious practices of all their employees.  Rick believes if companies don’t cater to the different faiths of their employees, then they should be compelled by law to do so.

From Wikipedia, “This legislation has garnered the diverse support of various religious groups including, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the Southern Baptist Convention, the National Council of Churches, the North American Council for Muslim Women, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Council on American Islamic Relations, B’nai B’rith International, the American Jewish Committee, Agudath Israel of America, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other groups.”   Can you imagine the cost to small businesses?  No true fiscal conservative would sanction this type of law with the variety of so-called religions today.

His Tax Increases alone would disqualify him as a fiscal conservative, but truly across the board he is a big government spender.  He voted to increase tobacco taxes (a sin tax) four times. He voted to increase taxes by $9.4 billion to pay for this same amount in an increase to student loans.  He voted twice for internet taxes.  Santorum voted against the repealing of the Clinton 4.3 cent gasoline tax increase.

The Senator voted to make Medicare part B premium subsidies a new entitlement.  He voted to raid Social Security instead of using surpluses to pay down the debt, and then he voted for giving $18 billion to the IMF!  Of course paying off the debt (at $5.6 trillion at the time) within 30 years didn’t appeal to him either.  He actually voted to raise the debt ceiling five times!

On Immigration, the Senator voted against hiring an additional 1,000 border patrol agents, paid for by reductions in some state grants.  Subsequently, the border patrol was cut even further and when I wrote to my Senators, Lamar Alexander wrote back to me that he would send my letter to Homeland Security and they would answer me.  (Was that a threat Senator?) I have yet to hear a word and I comment about it in every letter I write to Alexander, but back to Senator Santorum.  He voted against increasing the number of immigration investigators and voted to allow illegal immigrants to receive the “earned income” tax credit before becoming citizens!  Excuse me, but this is blatant redistribution of wealth and to illegal aliens who have not contributed to society.

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) benefited from Santorum’s vote for taxpayer funding of same.  He also made sure he voted against a 10% cut in the budget for the NEA.  Why would Santorum, as a Catholic, vote for funding the NEA when they feel a crucifix in a jar of urine is art?  This is a social conservative?

On Free Trade, Rick made the right choice and voted against NAFTA in 1993, but in subsequent votes he voted yes for the Oman, Morocco, Singapore, Chile, and Australia FTA as well as CAFTA.  He voted yes to the Trade Authority as well as to normal trade relations with China.

How Santorum Views Government

Rick Santorum made this statement, “One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a Libertarianish right.  They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn’t get involved in the cultural issues.  That is not how traditional conservatives view the world.  There is no such society that I’m aware of where we’ve had radical individualism and that it succeeds as a culture.”  Link Link

Well now excuse me Rick, but isn’t that what America was founded on, INDIVIDUALISM?  Are you saying you prefer Obama’s form of collectivism and communitarianism?  Sure does sound like it since you and Hillary Clinton are the only two people who are directly attacking the “pursuit of happiness.”  You are no constitutionalist, fiscal conservative or small government politician…you are exactly the opposite.

In the final article on Rick Santorum, we’ll look at his Defense and Foreign Policy record as well as his connection with pedophile Jerry Sandusky, how he’s treated veterans,  the “K Street Project,” and the ways politicians like Santorum become quite wealthy.


“You have rights antecedent to all earthy governments;
rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws;
rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe.”
John Adams

I was remiss in not researching and writing about Rick Santorum long ago.
It was my mistake and many of my readers and a couple of my friends were right.
Kelleigh Nelson – 1/5/12

Rick’s Money Man

Foster Friess is the money man behind Rick Santorum.  In 2006 Friess gave $250,000 to Santorum’s failed Senatorial campaign.  The Daily Finance states, “The super PAC to which Friess is the largest donor, the Red White and Blue Fund, has given to the former Speaker of the House, but the amount the group has spent on pro-Gingrich ads — more than $70,000 — is eclipsed by the $2.2 million spent so far on Santorum. By comparison, the former Pennsylvania senator’s campaign has spent less than $1 million dollars on its own so far. ”

In this same article by Daily Finance, Friess sounds like the epitome of a wealthy capitalist Christian patriot.  Scratch the surface however, and you’ll find some very disturbing connections. Friess is a charter member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP) which I wrote about in my three part article, Saving the Republic?  The Democratic Daily wrote an article entitled, Dominionist Cash and You, which shows some of the Friess Foundation’s donations.

The Council for National Policy was started allegedly to counter the workings of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet there were five CFR members on the early membership rosters of the CNP.  The CNP was started in 1981 by Nelson Bunker Hunt, CBN founder Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, (who accepted millions from Sun Myung Moon, the cultist who claims he came to finish what Jesus started) and T. Cullen Davis who helped finance the fledgling group. T. Cullen Davis was tried for murder not once, but twice. A book written about the trials is still available entitled, “Blood Will Tell: The Murder Trials of T. Cullen Davis” by Gary Cartwright. For a short synopsis click here.

Foster Friess is also a member of the Koch brothers (David and Charles) Million Dollar Donor Club.  I wrote extensively about David Koch in Part 1 of The Tea PartiesKoch is a member of the globalist new age Aspen Institute whose former head was none other than new age environmentalist Maurice Strong whom I wrote about in More Republican Deception.  Please note, Strong is with the United Nations and heavily involved in Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth.

To top it off Foster is on the board of the  John Templeton Foundation which awards millions each year to recipients such as William F. Buckley (CFR, TC, Bonesman) and charter CNP member Rich DeVos, Amway founder.  The Templeton Foundation has swayed far from its original intent as a Christian philanthropic organization.  Link Link

The phony right wing is funding their left wing Republican for president, just as they’ve done for the past three decades under the umbrella of the CNP.

Santorum and Veterans

The Armed Forces Retirement Home, run by the Department of Defense (DoD), bills itself as the “premier home for military retirees and veterans.”  The Home has 272 acres in northern Washington, DC.  Nearly 600 veterans who live there now enjoy a beautiful view of the Washington Monument, US Capitol, and Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  More than 2,000 veterans of World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War lived there.

The primary source of revenue for the Home was a 50 cent deduction from the paychecks of active-duty service members, but with today’s smaller all volunteer army it wasn’t enough to keep the Home operating fully.  They trimmed their staff by 24 percent and reduced the vet population by 800.  Still there were problems and the older historic facilities began to run into disrepair.  The Chairman of the Home’s Board of Directors told Congress in 1999, they could lease a 49 acre piece of land worth $49 million for a potential lifeline.  The parcel could be developed and the home could pocket a figure around $105 million in income over 35 years for its trust fund.  The Chairman, David Lacy, did not want to sell the land because then it would be a lost asset forever.

Rick Santorum has pledged to “make veterans a high priority” if elected president.  However as a US Senator he engineered a rotten and controversial land deal that robbed the military’s top veterans’ Home of tens of millions of dollars and even worsened the deteriorating conditions of the Home.

At the behest of the Roman Catholic Church, and unknown to the Home, Santorum slipped an amendment into the 1999 National Defense Authorization Act handcuffing how the Home could cash in on those 49 acres. The Amendment forced the Home to sell, not lease, the land to its next-door neighbor, the Catholic University of America.  They bought 46 acres of the tract of land for $22 million.  The Home lost the land for good, and by its own estimates pocketed $27 million less than the land’s value and $83 million less than what it could’ve made under the lease plan.

Laurence Branch, the executive director of the Home’s board at the time said the Santorum amendment was “a travesty” and the Church’s lobbying for the land a case of “coveting thy neighborhood’s goods.”  To this day Branch is convinced that Santorum is no friend of veterans.

How He Votes

Rick Santorum voted to give $25 million in foreign aid to North Korea, voted against transferring $20 million from Americorps to veterans, voted for the START II Treaty, voted to allow the sale of supercomputers to China, voted against requiring Congressional authorization for military action in Bosnia, voted to require Federal bureaucrats to get the same pay raises as uniformed military, voted for the Chemical Weapons Convention, but then voted against requiring the President to certify that the CWC is effectively verifiable!  Finally he voted against requiring the President to certify that Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, China and all other countries determined to be state sponsors of terror have joined the CWC prior to submitting the instrument of ratification.

Santorum has even voted to expand NATO.  As far as the assassination of American citizen, Anwar Awlaka, Santorum thinks this is a good thing, so what can be done to one unsavory US citizen can be done to any US citizen the government decides needs assassinating. He even believes in bombing countries that have never attacked the United States and has verbally stated as President he would bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities unless they were opened up for international arms inspectors.  According to one website US bases surround the country of Iran!  This man is another warmonger who feels he has the right to meddle in the affairs of every other country on earth.  How about bringing the soldiers home, rebuilding the bases closed by Clinton in the 90s, and defunding welfare for illegal aliens?

Big Labor

Santorum voted with liberals like Ted Kennedy on multiple occasions in support of big labor’s radical agenda.  Santorum voted for an increase in the minimum wage six times, voted twice in support of the Unionization of Fedex, voted for Job Corps funding, voted against National Right to Work Act, voted for mandatory Federal child care funding, voted to require a union representative on an IRS oversight board, voted to exempt IRS union representatives from criminal ethics laws, and voted against creating an independent Board of Governors to investigate IRS abuses.  The Senator didn’t seem to have a problem with voting for Sarbanes Oxley either.  Opponents of the bill claim it has reduced America’s international competitive edge against foreign financial service providers, saying SOX has introduced an overly complex regulatory environment into U.S. financial markets.  Guess who pays the increased costs to services?

Right to Privacy

Santorum has frequently been asked about his belief in the “right to privacy.”  His position is that no such right exists under the Constitution.  He said, “…this right to privacy doesn’t exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution.”  Our Constitution also does not spell out the right to marriage, right to having children, the right to eat or drink, right to purchase, etc.

The Constitution isn’t about what people can do; it’s about what government can do. The Constitution was created to spell out the limited rights or powers given to the federal government.  It was clearly understood that the government had no powers that weren’t authorized in the Constitution.  Nevertheless, Santorum is comfortable supporting legislation that imposes his own values on everyone else.  He supports the prohibition of contraception!  He even supports punitive actions against people who do not follow the government’s warnings in evacuation circumstances.  Santorum likes strong government and doesn’t seem to have a problem with exercising punitive control over American citizens.

The Sandusky Pedophile Ring

Senator Santorum denies he was tied to Jerry Sandusky, the ex-assistant football coach accused of pedophilia at Santorum’s alma mater, Penn State University.  In 2002, Sandusky was caught by assistant coach Mike McQueary molesting a boy about 10 years old in the locker room showers, as has been subsequently reported to the grand jury.  A day later, McQueary reported this to head coach, Joe Paterno.  Paterno allegedly notified Penn State University athletic director Tim Curley and former senior vice president Gary Schultz who apparently reported the abuse to campus police rather than local police.

Santorum and Sandusky worked closely in the “Second Mile” project, a charity supposedly to aid troubled youngsters. Second Mile was founded by Sandusky in 1977. However, Sandusky used these children for far different purposes than purported. Many of them were raped. Sandusky had sex with at least eight of them. Other children were allegedly farmed out to be used as sex objects.

Some of these young people from Second Mile were used as pages in Santorum’s offices because of his affiliation with Sandusky and Second Mile. Allegedly many other U.S. Congressmen and Senators used these children for various minor positions in their offices through Santorum’s connections to Second Mile.

In 2002, Santorum actually regarded Sandusky so highly that he personally nominated and gave him an award, the Congressional Angels in Adoption Award.  Now, however, Santorum is doing his best to distance himself from Sandusky saying he, “does not know Sandusky personally.”  Well, then who was it that presented the award to Sandusky?  Santorum even defended Joe Paterno and said he should be treated leniently.  Even after Paterno was questioned as to why he did not report the crime, Santorum defended him.  What is so bizarre is that even after the child rape was officially reported by the police, the highly compromised Santorum stood strong for both men.  In contrast, he never said a word of concern about the victims or their families.

Second Mile was closed and all assets were seized in order to settle suits of the traumatized youths who kept coming forward with charges of sexual abuse.


Retail giant Wal-Mart lined Santorum’s pockets with campaign cash of $10,000 in one month alone.  Of course the giant received votes from Santorum relating to overtime, minimum wages, tort reform and charitable giving credits. etc.

Rick created a charitable foundation in 2001.  Operation Good Neighbor Foundation gave out $474,000 to community groups in its first few years.  However within that time it had raised over a million dollars.  The remaining half million was paid out as salaries and consulting fees to lobbyists and fundraisers connected to Santorum’s campaign.  Only 36% of the money raised actually made it to the designated help.

In a political action committee formed by Santorum that was supposed to be raising money to help fellow Republican candidates, only 18% of the funds went to those candidates.  The remaining funds were used by Santorum with reports showing dozens of trips to fast food joints, supermarkets, Starbucks and other everyday expenses that had little to do with the action committee.

In other legislative favors, Santorum was given $6,000 from Miller Brewing only six months after he’d introduced legislation to cut taxes on large brewing companies.  The same went for the US Tobacco Company the day after he voted against a tobacco regulation bill.

Santorum made headlines when he stopped to visit Terri Shiavo who in 2005 lay on her deathbed in Tampa, Florida.  The real reason for his visit was to collect $250,000 in money raised for him by the execs of Outback Steakhouse.  Of course Rick agreed with Outback that the minimum wage should not be increased.  The senator flew back on a Wal-Mart corporate jet.  Taking money from corporations and then voting for legislation that favors their positions is called corruption.

Santorum also became involved in a scandal known as the “K Street Project.”  Led by convicted felon, Congressman Tom Delay, the project had associations with lobbyists including Council for National Policy member Jack Abramoff.  These lobbying firms were pressured to hire high ranking Republican lawmakers and to grant GOP lobbyists with access to influential decision makers.  Santorum played the role of Senate liaison.  These connections landed Santorum high paying lobbying opportunities after he lost his seat.  Rick joined a Washington DC “think tank” earning $250,000 a year as well as being a Fox News contributor.  He also found other employment as a lobbyist for various industries where he earned over a million a year in 2010 alone.  He has padded his own wallet as a corporate lobbyist at the expense of the taxpayer.

Santorum is pro NDAA, pro Patriot Act, pro War with Iran, pro Federal Reserve, voted for Sonia Sotomayor for Circuit Court Judge, and in 2008 he chose to support Willard Mitt Romney for President.


Recently someone commented to me they felt some of the GOP candidates had changed and were much more conservative because of what they were saying in the debates.  I had to laugh!  What they say and what they do are two totally different things.  The American electorate would do well to research the voting records of these candidates rather than listening to their pre-election lies.  The package they’re presenting prior to the elections is totally different than what you’ll get after they’re elected.  Jesus himself said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  Ye shall know them by their fruits.”  Matthew 7:15-16.

Kelleigh Nelson has been a sentinel researching the Christian right and operations designed to co-opt it, since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. E-Mail:

The Gulag is still adding some graphics, perhaps a video or two.


  1. Massive Run On Guns After Obama Annoucement

  2. Kelleigh Nelson is a worthless BEAATCH that can’t write worth a crap.

  3. Kelleigh Nelson is a worthless nutjob
    that can’t write worth a crap.


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