Test Drive for Tyranny

The Real Revo

For over a year, I have been saying that it is my belief that if Obama feels he cannot win reelection, that there is a strong possibility of a declared emergency and election suspensions. Cue the rolling of the eyes and the statements of, “There she goes again.” Well, it would appear I am not alone in my assessment.

Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press put it very succinctly:

The fool proof way for Barack Obama to guarantee his re-election would be to suspend the 2012 election.

Thanks to North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue, suspending elections is an idea whose time has come.

Perdue’s proposal dropped like the proverbial bombshell at a Rotary Club event was offered as a means for politicians to gain time to tackle crippling unemployment and a stagnant economy.

Was Perdue stretching for Rotarian attention or advancing an idea already on Obama’s agenda?

I don’t believe Perdue is crazy or that she was being funny. I believe it was a ‘test’ to see how her suggestion would be received:

One other little side note, Bev Perdue also belongs to the Council of Governors that Obama put together. I warned about this council from the beginning and I do not believe it was an accident that this suggestion came from one of it’s members.

Perdue, speaking on the economy, turned more than a few heads with her remarks:

“You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It’s a little bit more contentious now but it’s not impossible to try to do what’s right in this state. You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

Perdue was not alone last week as I heard at least one other prominent Democrat mention ‘too much Democracy’ and maybe elections should be suspended. ABC News had the gall to write an article entitled: Too Much Democracy? A Modest Proposal From N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue. A modest proposal indeed… Lacking the courage to frame the issue with the irony it deserves, ABC News has written an article titled after Jonathan Swift’s heavily ironic work by the same name, but without the incisive wit and biting insight Swift demonstrated in penning his piece. The Democrat Party and this administration are demonstrating that they have more and more in common with Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, than they do with the American people. Using class warfare and the ‘eat the rich’ mentality, they are probing every fascist boundary they can find to see what will give in their favor. Hear it yourself from Roseanne Barr as she intones, ‘Off with their heads!’:

This type of violent, hateful rhetoric should not be laughed off as Barr’s attempt at humor. Notice she is on Russia Today and her interviewer claims to have been calling for the guillotine for over a year. I believe the Progressives mean every word they say. Barr is obviously a communist who wants big government to totally control people for their own good. Russia Today is the modern propaganda arm of the Soviet Union. Do I really have to spell this out for every one?

Rush Limbaugh also sees this as a very real possibility:

Glenn Beck and many other pundits have also echoed this concern. All it would take is one emergency, real or a false flag event, to enable this president to declare martial law and suspend elections. He’s already stomped all over the Constitution with his executive orders, czars and super committees. Do you really think he won’t take that ‘next’ step? With the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests gaining strength and spreading, they could very well be the excuse he is looking for. This week’s events were the perfect test drive for tyranny and the road leads right over a Constitutional cliff.


Terresa Monroe-Hamilton administrates the Noisy Room blog, where she documents the influences of those politically off the American course, called progressives. She is also a contributor to KeyWiki.org and her articles are featured in the daily Web publication, The Globe & Malevolence.


  1. I’ve watched that Roseanne Barr video three times. She’s not joking!

    The Left’s mask has fallen off.

  2. I love the fact that these morons do everything out in the open. The ability to show off such blatant stupidity takes real talent. Thank you for such great articles!

  3. I have been hearing about guillotines shipped from china for about 5 years now and concentration camps
    as well.
    read the book: 1848 the year of revolution

    it reads like the news today.

  4. Two things NObama, Barr, etc. are forgetting….

    One, I have guns and the majority of the tree hugging liberals don’t. If they want to throw down I say bring it, it’s about time we have it out once and for all.

    Two, I know a lot of law enforcement and current / former military members and can’t think of a single one of them that care for NObama at all. They would not side with him and would side with “we the people”.

  5. Blood Runs Irish 1916 says

    Followed a Zerohedge link here and have read exactly two stories, both of which attack the wildly successful Russia Today network. A few months back Hillary Clinton called for massive funding to counter foreign news networks success in telling what is mostly the truth. Is this website the result? LOL!, This conservative gun-owning patriot smells something very wrong with this website. Spidey senses say read with caution.

    • BRI, perhaps you should look into the past twenty two years of Russian history as you ponder Gulag Bound. Do you really believe they just up and decided to have a bloodless coup?

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