‘Today I Speak From My Heart’ Obama’s Guarantee To Never Divide Jerusalem


Obama is a hypocrite and a liar extraordinaire…

By: NakedEmperorNews

Obama’s abandonment of America


  1. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

  2. Senator Marco Rubio’s father was not a naturalized citizen when Marco was born in May 1971 per National Archives data. His father applied for naturalization in Sep 1975. Senator Marco Rubio therefore not constitutionally eligible to run for U.S. President or Vice President: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/

    CDR Kerchner (Ret)

  3. Re: Obamas promas
    Today, Mr. Obama, I speak from MY heart! Jerusalem will never be divided! Just as soon as we exterminate the Jew Parasite and give Palestine back to the Palestinians, it will never be divided but belong, in its entirety, to the good people of Palestine forever! (Hey, I’m not afraid to say this! I have vacationed in the Jews Gulag several times and I am Gulag-bound once again!)
    Daniel Gilfry, C.A.M.P. – Intl Freedom Party

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