Socialist Teachers Discuss Indoctrinating Public Schoolchildren

New Zeal



Sarah Knopp


Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles teacher and member of the International Socialist Organization, organized a panel at Democratic Socialists of America‘s Left Forum 2011 in New York in March, “Capitalism and Education: A Marxist discourse on what we’re fighting against and what we’re fighting for,” which discussed how best to indoctrinate children in the classroom.

Barack Obama used to attend these events (then known as the Socialist Scholars Conference), when he lived in New York in the early 1980s.

The second speaker is New York public school teacher and I.S.O. comrade Megan Behrent.




Other panelists were I.S.O. supporters Jeff Bale, Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University, Brian Jones, a New York teacher, and former D.S.A. Feminist Commission member Jean Anyon of the Graduate Center, C.U.N.Y. and author of the just released “Marx and Education.”

There are thousands more like this in America’s public schools.

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