Janesville Wisconsin: Hope & Change by Fraud

By: Toddy Littman Paul Ryan was accurate in fact, regarding the Janesville, Wisconsin GM plant, Mitt Romney's team better back him up 100%. First to the historical facts, footnotes omitted: “On February 13, 2008, Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama stated, "This can be America’s future. I know that General Motors received some bad news yesterday, and I know how hard your Governor has fought to … [Read more...]

Financial Expert Warns of Economic Collapse

In shocking news, the New York Times cites figures that investors withdrew $33.12 billion from domestic stock market mutual funds in the first seven months of this year when billions of dollars should have been expected to be flowing in. The New York Times blames this unusual development on “economic uncertainty.” One explanation is that the financial reform bill pushed by President Obama and passed by … [Read more...]