UPDATE: Fugitive, alleged cop killer, Chris Dorner's Manifesto with progressive, pro-Obama, pro-Clinton rants redacted - also reportedly full text for comparison - see comments below article Original date of Gulag Blog entry, February 5 (edited as marked) Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails Not completely confirmed [edit: see comments,as well as the text of this short article.] If you have further information, … [Read more...]
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DORNER UPDATE: Evidence Mounts in Mass Shootings: Sociopathic Progressivism & Drugs
Filed Under: *Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails*, *Resisters' Log*, *Solutions*, Communicate!, Corruption, Crime Criminals & Thugs, Cultural Marxism, Disarm the People, How We Got Here, Human Pathology & Societal Corruption, Intoxicants - Real Opiates of the People, Marxofascist Strategy, Spirituality Tagged With: authoritarianism, collectivism, drugs, human programming, mind control, psychological subjugation, psychology, psychotropic drugs, spirituality, youth & education
Human Programming 1: Intro to Ericksonian NLP Hypnosis & Barack Obama

One of the topics I've personally been meaning to get to, by just about now, is human programming and the various ways of intentionally affecting one's psyche without necessarily doing that through the subject's intentionally and rationally processed perceptions. And as the ancient Greek word, "psyche" means one's spirit, we are not about to shy away from the spiritual aspects of this. We will "go in … [Read more...]
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, Democratic Manipulated Mob Rule, Dialectic Psyops, Dumbed Down Citizens & Slave-State Dependence, How We Got Here, Marxofascist Strategy, Media, Propaganda in Arts & Entertainment, Propaganda of Deceit & Domination, Technocracy Tagged With: Barack Hussein Obama II, collectivists & propaganda, human programming, hypnosis, psyops
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