Communists in Congress? (1) Hansen Clarke (D) Michigan

New Zeal Recently, Florida Rep. Allen West received considerable flak after claiming that there were up to eighty "communists" in the US Congress. Rep. West was certainly correct in spirit. There are dozens of members of the US Congress who have strong ties to one or more of America's several influential Marxist organizations. This is the first of a series of profiles of Congress members with documentable … [Read more...]

Congressman Hansen Clarke and the Michigan Marxists

New Zeal Michigan freshman Democratic Congressman Hansen Clarke has openly aligned himself with the Detroit local of the US' largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America. Reaffirming a relationship that began several years ago, Congressman Clarke personally presented awards at Greater Detroit DSA's 12th annual Frederick Douglass-Eugene V. Debs Dinner on October 1st at UAW Local 600 in … [Read more...]