Rainbow Conspiracy Part 8: Steve Phillips Works With 40,000 Communists And Socialists To Take Over The Democratic Party

New Zeal

Part 7 here.

Steve Phillips, a very wealthy Democratic Party operative, is working with over 40,000 communists and militant socialists to take over his own party. Shouldn’t this be front page news?

San Francisco lawyer and Democratic Party operative Steve Phillips is a huge threat to American liberty. He is working through his organizations Democracy in Color and PowerPAC+ to achieve a “New American Majority” – code for a far left “one party state.”

Steve Phillips is using his family’s extreme wealth and influence to handpick stealth socialist Democratic candidates for key races across the country. Phillips helped to give America Barack Obama and he is positioning right now to hand-pick your next President in 2020.

Steve Phillips was a student Marxist-Leninist and he has never abandoned his communist roots.

Today he is working in tandem with America’s most influential communists and socialists to flip the House of Representatives in 2018, to retake the Senate and end the Trump presidency in 2020.

John Bachtell, Communist Party USA

Communist Party USA National Chairman John Bachtell issued a call for an online webinar Wed. May 23 2018, featuring a panel of representatives from the CPUSA, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Freedom Road Socialists Organization (FRSO), Left Roots and others.

This event is aimed at encouraging participation and interaction of members of all the groups. The CPUSA urges its members and supporters to participate.

Bachtell went on to explain the background of the event, which was sponsored by the Left Inside/Outside Project:

The Communist Party (CPUSA) is collaborating with several left groups and progressive activists to promote unity and coalition building in the electoral arena. The Left Inside/Outside Project began shortly after the 2016 elections in response to some on the left who sat out the elections or encouraged building a 3rd party at the time.

The groups agree that defeating the extreme right domination of government and the courts is a strategic imperative and building electoral coalitions with every force possible including with the Democratic Party is key.

This video conference will feature speakers from different organizations in the Left Inside/Outside Project providing their perspective on the key questions facing leftists that are trying to build electoral power alongside social movements, all while navigating the complicated terrain of Democratic party politics. We will also have small group discussions and describe opportunities for collaboration across organizational lines.

The Left Inside/Outside Project went public in a letter “The Left We Want to Build: Breaking Out of the Margins,” published in Organizing Upgrade (09 June 2017), a news site closely affiliated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The letter laid out a bold plan by America’s leading communist groups to massively expand their collective influence both inside and outside the Democratic Party.

The election of Trump has upended US politics. Across the political spectrum, activists and organizations are reckoning with the ascent of authoritarian white nationalism to the White House and the GOP’s headlock on 25 state governments and Congress. All of us feel it: the urgency to think and act in new ways, to expand our vision and take risks.

We believe that building a left trend – an alignment of organizations and individuals – based on strategic unity is key… Only determined, long-term, energetic efforts to break out of the margins based on a common view of how to engage in our electoral system, while also building mass protest, offer a chance to make the left a force in U.S. politics and, eventually, a contender for power.

The letter went on to outline a bold plan to cordinate America’s largest Marxist organizations to ramp up infiltrateation of the Democratic Party and pressure it from without, through mass protest action.

(A)  number of left organizations and activists have begun discussing the possibility of creating a higher level of political alignment based on an inside/outside political strategy.

“Inside/Outside” means organizing both inside and outside of electoral politics, and building power inside and outside the Democratic Party…We also think this strategy is the only one that will set the left on a path to grow with the surging activism that takes civic engagement seriously, the large numbers of leftists and progressives deciding to run for office, and the increasing pull of an inside/outside perspective across the social movements we’re immersed in…

 Most activists who care about progressive change, for instance, reasonably feel that defeating Trump in 2020 is an absolute priority, as is defeating Republican rule at the state and Congressional level in 2018… And electoral politics in general is one of the few ways the left will be able to engage with people at the scale we have to.

The fight against the far right is strongest when it is energized by an inspiring vision for economic and social justice. Campaigns for openly socialist candidates and progressive challenges to neoliberal Democrats must all be part of the political mix. And the opportunities for broadening the reach of progressive and left forces will be greatest when they both struggle within and work in tandem with the larger anti-Trump or anti-right front.

( T)he organized socialist left needs to balance out the strengths and weaknesses of its different organizations and activist networks. All of the organizations and networks we belong to have important strengths, but also very real limitations in terms of size, demographics, or geographic or sectoral concentration. None of them, in their current form, are capable of playing the strategic role we believe the left must play in the next period. A left trend might have that potential – the ability to reach far beyond the existing left to create a force that can move us from defense to offense.

The letter was signed “In unity and struggle” by key leaders of America’s most powerful Marxist organizations.

  • Rishi Awatramani, LeftRoots (also affiliated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization}
  • John Bachtell, Communist Party USA National Secretary
  • Calvin Cheung-Miaw (also affiliated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization)
  • Sendolo Diaminah, Freedom Road Socialist Organization General Secretary
  • Adam Gold, LeftRoots (also affiliated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization)
  • Harmony Goldberg (affiliated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization)
  • Shuron Jones, St. Louis Workers’ Education Society (a Communist Party controlled organization)
  • Judith LeBlanc, Communist Party USA National Board member
  • Timmy Lu, LeftRoots (also affiliated with Freedom Road Socialist Organization)
  • Christine Riddiough, Democratic Socialists of America National Political Committee
  • Chauncey Robinson, Communist Party USA National Board member
  • Joseph Schwartz, Vice Chair of Democratic Socialists of America
  • Tina Shannon, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism National Coordinating Committee (also a member of Democratic Socialists of America)
  • Janet Tucker, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism co-chair (also a member of Democratic Socialists of America)
  • Thomas Walker, Freedom Road Socialist Organization Tennessee leader (also a member of Democratic Socialists of America)

Broadly speaking, there are two lefts in America. One side is the anti-Democratic Party left – Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party USA, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Party of Communists USA etc. On the other side are the groups willing to work inside the Democratic Party – that is, those organizations signing on to the strategy outlined above.

These organizations are not to be underestimated. Separately, all these groups are dangerous. Together, they spell potential disaster.

  • Communist Party USA claims about 5,000 members, but its support base is much wider. Many Communist Party leaders are also Democrats. Examples include Houston Communist Party Chairman Bernard Sampson (local Democratic Party Precinct chairman) and Ohio Communist Party Chairman Rick Nagin, who serves on the Cuyahoga County Democratic Executive Committee. The Communist Party USA is strong in organized labor, in Black churches and in the “peace movement.” The Party is strongest in New York, Massachusetts, Chicago, Detroit, Missouri, Arizona, California and Texas. The CPUSA is aligned with China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela and the communist parties of Russia, Britain, Canada, Mexico, Iraq and Iran.

Communist Party USA – Boston

  • Committees of Correspospendence for Democracy and Socialim is only a few hundered strong. It often shares members with Democratic Socialists of America and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Its strongholds are Boston, New York, Chicago, Louisville Kentucky and the Bay Area. CCDS has close ties to China, Vietnam and Cuba.
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization is extremely secretive about membership numbers. Fewer than 100 members are publicly acknowledged. My estimate is around 1,000 members, but that could be off by a factor of three either way. FRSO’s dozens of front organizations are extremely well funded through the Ford Foundation and other large leftist non-profits. FRSO is strongest in Boston, New York, Washington, DC, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Southern Florida, Los Angeles and the Bay Area. It also has smaller bases in Austin, Texas, New Mexico, Missouri, Vermont, Ohio, Oregon and Washington state. FRSO supports Cuba and Vietnam. Some elements also support China and North Korea. Freedom Road focuses heavily on racial politics and is the main force behind Black Lives Matter.
  • LeftRoots “is a national organization of 250 front-line organizers and activists, committed to politically developing their members to lead social movements across the U.S.” It is essentially a project of FRSO. LeftRoots wants to “topple capitalism in order to make way for an economic system that allows for all people around the world to develop their capacities to the greatest extent possible in harmony with the planet”.

LeftRoots national conference 2018

  • Democratic Socialists of America is the giant of the bunch. On the back of the Bernie Sanders movement, DSA has grown from 6,000 to upwards of 35,000 dues-paying members in less than two years. The organization has locals in every state but South Dakota. The larger locals include Seattle (600 members), Portland Oregon (350 members), East Bay (850 members), Los Angeles (1200 members), Chicago (1100 members), Boston (1,000 members), New York (3,000+ members), Washington, DC (1200 members), Baltimore (450 members), Atlanta (500 members) and Austin, Texas (700+ members).
  • Thousands of DSAers are active in the Democratic Party and have taken hold of local Democratic County committees from Maine to Nebraska. In Iowa, DSA controls about 20% of the delegates to the Democratic State convention. DSA has run hundreds of members and supporters across the country on the Democratic ticket this election cycle. They include DSA members Kaniela Ing (Congressional District 1, Hawaii), Rashida Tlaib (Congressional District 13, Michigan), Connie Johnson (Governor Oklahoma) and DSA supporter Cathy Glasson (Governor Iowa). DSA is in many ways more hard left than the Communist Party. In 2017, DSA voted to leave the Socialist International because it was too moderate.

Democratic Socialists of America also controls Our Revolution, the reportedly 100,000-strong nationwide movement set up to support candidates sympathetic to the Bernie Sanders movement.

According to David Duhalde, former Deputy Director of Democratic Socialists of America and now “Senior Electoral Manager” at Our Revolution:

I have been rather pleasantly surprised about how well the different post-Bernie formations have been doing and working together to keep this political revolution going. I want to give one great example, which is Our Revolution, [which] either locally or nationally endorsed all of our candidates that we endorsed nationally, as well. Not to mention tons of local races. We have a very good working relationship with Our Revolution. We often share information and talk about candidates. We, also, have this affiliation program where DSA chapters can be the local Our Revolution chapter, as well. That is to avoid unnecessary conflicts, duplication of efforts. So, our Knoxville chapter which helped elect two DSA members is, also, the Our Revolution chapter.

According to John Bachtell, the Communist Party is there too:

(Communist Party) Members were involved with Bernie Sanders campaign and are continuing their activism in Our Revolution, Swing Left, Indivisible, Working Families Party, statewide groups like the New Virginia Majority and local Democratic Party groups and 2018 electoral campaigns.

In many states the Democratic Party is a shell, nothing more than a ballot line. It is not hard to see how the Democratic Party is being completely subverted by the combined forces of Our Revolution and the Left Inside/Outside Project. How can rural and small town old school Democrats stave off an invasion of tens of thousands of dedicated Marxists moving into their semi-moribund party?

The Left Inside/Outside Project is completely on board with Steve Phillips’ new “Rainbow Coalition”/”New American Majority” Project.

Democratic Socialists of America/Left Inside/Outside Project leader Joseph Schwartz was active in the 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson “Rainbow” campaigns, as well as in the movement behind Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential effort.

Schwartz wrote in a September 11, 2017 report “What Should Socialists Do?“:

Socialists have the incumbent obligation to broaden out the post-Sanders, anti-corporate trend in US politics into a working-class “rainbow coalition.”

Left Inside/Outside Project leader Calvin Miaw wrote in In These Times, Nov 18, 2016:

Today we have a number of inspiring movements (and encampments!) that will continue under the Trump administration. We have incredible multiracial alliances—all across the United States. We have cutting-edge work in electoral politics through our mass organizations at the local level (like San Francisco Rising or the South Bay Labor Council) reaching into the state level (with New Virginia Majority and New Florida Majority ). There’s a lot going for us, but whether we are able to build a worthy successor to the Rainbow, which replicates its achievements while avoiding its quite obvious failures, depends on us moving beyond what we’ve been doing.

Another Left Inside/Outside Project and LeftRoots leader, Timmy Lu spelled it out explicitly in a paragraph entitled: “From the Rainbow Coalition to the New American Majority“:

In the 1980s, Asian American Movement activists connected to Left organizations made important contributions in the fight against Reaganism. These activists played key roles in the campaigns of Black mayoral candidates and the historic Presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988, helping craft Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition…”

The future projected by demographers to arrive in 2065 is already the reality in some states. Nine states are over 5% AAPI (Asian American, Pacific Islander) : Hawaii, California, Nevada, Washington, New Jersey, Alaska, Maryland and Virginia. In many local jurisdictions in these states, whole elections are won and lost on the basis of AAPI voters. And the states with the fastest growing populations have national political significance as battleground states: Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia and Arizona. Given these numbers – AAPIs are now an essential component of any kind of progressive “Rainbow Coalition” or “New American Majority” electoral strategy.

Traditional electoral strategies emphasize persuading moderate and swing voters. Focusing on the New American Majority means dramatically increasing turnout amongst communities of color and low-turnout but likely progressive constituencies like young voters.

LeftRoots, incidentally, was partially created by Steve Phillips.

In 2018, two coordinators of the “Ear to the Ground” project, N’Tanya Lee and Steve Williams, toured the United States for 16 months, speaking “to 158 people involved in some of the most important social justice struggles today.”

N’Tanya Lee is a longtime Freedom Road Socialist organization affiliate and serves on the board of Steve Phillips’ PowerPAC+.

Steve Williams was studying at Stanford University just as Steve Phillips was graduating. He is also close to Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In 1997, Williams was in Cuba and in 1998, he was in South Africa for the congress of the South African Communist Party. Williams was active in a Maoist group, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), alongside future Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones. Three other STORM members, Maria Poblet, Harmony Goldberg and Adam Gold, are now leaders of the Left Inside/Outside Project.

Almost all of Lee and Williams’ interviewees were known Freedom Road members or supporters. The few exceptions included Judith LeBlanc of the Communist Party USA and Steve Phillips. That was to be expected as Steve Phillips and his mega-wealthy wife Susan Sandler helped to fund the marathon project. Lee and Williams founded LeftRoots in 2014, as a direct result of their interview findings. Steve Phillips helped “father” LeftRoots.

Steve Phillips and his PowerPAC+ are also closely tied to Our Revolution, through Our Revolution President Nina Turner and board member Ben Jealous.

Nina Turner is a longtime Steve Phillips/PowerPAC+ protege.

In 2015, Nina Turner told Melissa Harris-Perry:

If you look at the Democratic ticket right now, if I can just go there, there is not an African-American running for the presidency, and I believe that African-Americans need to run every single election cycle along with my Latino brothers and sisters and Asians, all the people of color, the rainbow coalition, every single election cycle.

In 1988, Ben Jealous, age 14, registered voters for Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition. Jealous has worked closely with Steve Phillips since at least the 2008 Obama campaign. Now PowerPAC+ is supporting Jealous’ bid for the governorship of Maryland.

According to Steve Phillips:

Most recently we worked with grassroots activists in Georgia to encourage African American voters to turn out in the CD-6 race in Georgia and to build support for Stacey Abrams’ race for Governor there. As we move forward, we will deepen our work in California as well as launching a multi-state initiative to support gubernatorial candidates of color in GA (Stacey Abrams), MD (Benjamin Jealous), AZ (David Garcia), CA (John Chiang), and FL (Andrew Gillum).

Also tied to the Steve Phillips network is the Howard Dean-founded Democracy for America. Currently DFA is supporting a far left Muslim candidate for the governorship of Michigan, Abdul El-Sayed. DFA is also supporting Steve Phillips’ favorites Stacey Abrams, David Garcia, Ben Jealous and Andrew Gillum.

As a part of its work in the 2018 election cycle, Democracy for America intends to raise and spend more than $12 million in support of progressive candidates, make more than 2 million voter contacts, and support more than 250 candidates nationwide — like Abdul El-Sayed — in running inclusive populist campaigns committed to turning out the New American Majority of people of color and progressive white voters in November.

El-Sayed is the sixth gubernatorial endorsement DFA has made in the 2018 election cycle.  Other gubernatorial endorsements the national grassroots progressive group has made this cycle includes Stacey Abrams in Georgia, David Garcia in Arizona, Andrew Gillum in Florida, Ben Jealous in Maryland, and Paulette Jordan in Idaho.

Look for Part 9 coming soon: “How Stealth Communists Almost Flipped Virginia – With Help From China”

A book entitled “The Rainbow Conspiracy” will be released in October 2018.

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