McCabe’s FBI Hosts Gay Pride Summit

Accuracy in Media

The FBI may not be able to detect and prevent left-wing violence directed at Republicans playing baseball. But it sure knows how to pander to and entertain the LGBTQ community with a full-blown conference featuring discussions about the oppressive “identity hierarchy.”

In an amazing development, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife ran with Hillary’s support for the state senate in Virginia, has now put the entire FBI apparatus at the disposal of a key Democratic Party constituency group, the LGBTQ lobby, with “Q” meaning queer.

It is a direct affront to the conservative Christians who voted for President Donald Trump.

McCabe welcomed the homosexuals, transgenders, and others in Bonaparte Auditorium at FBI headquarters, an Office of Director of National Intelligence press release said.

The news media did not cover the FBI’s sexuality event but, as fellow progressives, they must be extremely pleased with the fact that various sexual perversities are being embraced by the intelligence community under Trump, just as they were under Obama.

A top official of the Human Rights Campaign, which endorsed Obama for election and re-election, was present at the June 15 event to headline the sixth annual “Intelligence Community (IC) Pride.” The official, Nicole Cozier, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at the Human Rights Campaign, previously worked for Planned Parenthood.

McCabe, who actually had a role supervising the aborted FBI investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails, took over the FBI when President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

At the time the FBI dropped the case against Mrs. Clinton, Hillary confidant and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe had directed almost $800,000 into the political coffers of McCabe’s wife, candidate Jill McCabe. Her opponent, Republican State Senator Dick Black, commented that he was astonished that she was able to eventually raise $1.8 million. “How convenient for your husband to be a high-ranking FBI official with lots of potential influence,” he said.

Black said McCabe was “unqualified to serve as Deputy Director of the FBI, or in any position of trust in the United States Government.”

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) has said that reports of a McCabe meeting with McAuliffe, “and his wife’s subsequent campaign for public office being substantially funded by McAuliffe’s organization, raise serious questions about his ability to appear impartial.”

But he’s still at the FBI and is now acting director, presiding over bizarre sexual topics, such as a breakout session at the FBI diversity symposium entitled, “In-Between: Deconstructing the Binary and Ditching the Identity Hierarchy.”

It’s not exactly clear what this means, but the topic is apparently part of what is called Queer Theory, which holds that the “construction of identities helps societies make sense of the world by putting information into categories with the hopes of maintaining social order.”

Why this should be a topic of concern at the FBI is disturbing, to say the least.

Another breakout session was titled, “Intersectionality Working group Inaugural Meeting,” with intersectionality being defined as individuals with “multiple identities” that “interact with each other, including race/ethnicity, income, gender, sexual orientation and gender non-conformity.”

In addition to these bizarre sexual topics, former Indiana Republican Senator Dan Coats, President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence (DNI), sent remarks through an aide totally embracing the Obama LGBTQ agenda. “Because the IC’s mission is to protect our country by understanding the complexities of the world,” he said, “I would argue that we need the widest pool of talent—including the officers we are celebrating here today.”

Under Obama, the “widest pool of talent” has included transgenders, such as former Army intelligence analyst Bradley/Chelsea Manning, who was convicted of espionage but released from prison.

“The bedrock of the Intelligence Community is our credibility,” the FBI’s McCabe said. “To maintain that credibility, we must understand and reflect the people we protect, across the full spectrum of diversity that is the strength of this country. We all need to be allies, to walk in each other’s shoes, to try to understand what it’s like, for example, to be gay, a person of color, or transgender or all of these at the same time.”

Critics say the FBI’s credibility should rest in identifying and preventing terrorist attacks and violent incidents carried out by extremists.

In the wake of left-winger James Hodgkinson opening fire on a group of Republican members of Congress, the FBI has been appealing for help in determining his motive and plans while he was plotting the massacre. Hodgkinson had openly advertised his desire to “terminate” or “destroy” President Trump and his fellow Republicans. Based on his online Internet activity and Facebook likes and friends, it appears he is not alone in these beliefs. He was an avid viewer of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

But while the FBI appears to be unable or unwilling to investigate the potential for violence in left-wing networks, the FBI and other intelligence agencies appear to have plenty of resources available to encourage “diversity” and “inclusion.”

“Notably,” the FBI press release said, “this year’s event included speakers from outside the IC.” It named Nicole Cozier of the Human Rights Campaign and Rep. André Carson (D-IN), the second Muslim to be elected to the United States Congress. Other speakers were Deputy Director of National Intelligence Dawn Eilenberger and Office of Naval Intelligence Commander Rear Admiral Robert Sharp,

While DNI Coats was not able to attend in person, his prepared remarks included the statement that “Since my confirmation as DNI, I have been impressed with spirit of service that permeates the IC. As I get to know more IC officers, I am struck by the wide variety of backgrounds that enrich our workforce. You may have heard that I referred to the position of DNI as akin to the head coach of a football team, with each agency director playing the role of a coach with unique expertise. But the buck stops with me for the whole team, and you have my word that I will do everything to empower each of you, including defending the law of the land and anyone who feels any discrimination. I’m sorry I could not be here today, and I am proud to lead our team.”

The “anyone who feels any discrimination” is a catch-all phrase that seems to allow sexual minorities to demand jobs and promotions based on their particular needs at any given time. What this has to do with stopping jihadist activity and left-wing violence was not explained in the official press release.

Using the hashtag #LGBTSpies, the Office of the DNI has drawn attention to employees who “fight for marriage equality” and intelligence agents “fighting the good fight from the inside.” The DNI calls them “Secret agents of change.” None of this seems designed to identify and defeat America’s foreign enemies.

Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.

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