EXCLUSIVE: Trevor Loudon Confronts Revolutionary Communist Party Members (Video)

New Zeal

Trevor Loudon tries to get answers from the Revolutionary Communist Party.

In March, Trevor Loudon confronted members of the group Refuse Fascism, a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party in Cleveland, Ohio. The protest was coordinated by long-time activist Don Bryant, a recipient of President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award in December 2016 at Ohio Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s office.

In this exclusive video, Trevor asks who is willing to speak for the Revolutionary Communist Party. Instead of responding, one of the communists clearly instructs the other to “start up the chants.”

It appears that these radicals want onlookers to believe that their movement is spontaneous and grassroots rather than organized by communists and their allies. It is also evident that having a civil discussion is of no interest to these commies.

Another member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, Jeremy David Brustein, is also seen in the video.



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