NSA Hosting Teen Girls’ Summer Camp: Cybersecurity Training What?

BDM girls throwing off their former lives

Is this something the NSA should be doing, you think?

In the Daily Caller:

The National Security Agency (NSA) is sponsoring an all-girls summer camp program in an attempt to help spark cybersecurity intrigue among the younger generation and diversify the general tech industry.
Girls in grades 9 to 12 can attend the program, known as GenCyber, free of charge because the NSA and the National Science Foundation are funding the initiative.

NSA To Sponsor A Summer Camp For Teen Girls

The National Security Agency (NSA) is sponsoring an all-girls summer camp program in an attempt to help spark cybersecurity intrigue among the younger generation and diversify the general tech industry.

Just for one thing, how is this not our federal government officially being sexist? And is it just the work of Obamunist holdovers, or is it an Ivanka Trump kind of thing? A new trend?

For more kinds of things and I’m not accusing, just reflecting at a time when questioning authority is becoming more and more obviously necessary…

It reminds me, frankly, of, yes, the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, i.e., League of German Maidens, Nazi) and the many Communist Pioneer youth organizations (in the USSR, Komsomol; the Communist Youth League of China; Cuba’s José Martí Pioneers; etc.) with roots in common with America’s Boy and Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Brownies.

And if one is familiar with the #Pedogate testimony from numerous sources over the years and especially lately, involving certain deep staters’ use of girls and boys, how does it not raise a wee bit of concern there, too?

I wonder what the many contacts of pedophile resort pimp and alleged shadow government blackmailer, Jeffrey Epstein think of this — or, a rather extreme thought, if some of them could have even planned it. Personally, I’ll also be interested to see whether former FBI operative Sibel Edmonds has something to say about it.

The NSA remains directed by Vice Admiral Michael S. “Mike” Rogers, an Obama appointee who has been stonewalling and slow-walking Congressional scrutiny over the Obama-surveils-Trump scandal along with FBI Director James Comey, also an Obama send-up.

Call it all something to scrutinize.

Bund Deutscher Mädel photo


  1. #WhatCouldGoWrong, Sibel?

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