Ted Cruz Chooses Carly Fiorina


Yesterday was a big day in the Ted Cruz camp. Cruz tapped Carly Fiorina as his Vice Presidential running mate. I believe it is a good, conservative choice. I have not always agreed with Carly, especially on past statements on Islam, but I like her. I’m willing to believe she has evolved on that issue. That’s one issue… Donald Trump evolves on every issue every 30 seconds, so I’m willing to give her room on this. Fiorina is a constitutional conservative and one of the brightest out there. No doubt that she would rip Clinton a new one. Both Carly and Ted are fighters… and we’re not done yet.

Cruz Fiorina

Carly was chosen as an attacker to go head to head with Hillary Clinton in November. She would clean the floor with the Hildabeast.

Per TheBlaze:

The combination of Cruz and Fiorina is enough to best Clinton in November, the official told TheBlaze — something they don’t believe businessman and front-runner Donald Trump will be able to do.

The timing of the announcement is highly unusual as no presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan in 1976 has named a running mate before officially earning their party’s nomination.

While perhaps a rare move, it sends a “clear signal now that Trump will not be the presumptive nominee,” the senior Cruz campaign official added. Cruz also wanted to be “transparent” with voters and let them see now what a Cruz administration is going to look like, according to the aide.

By adding Fiorina to his ticket this far in advance of the RNC, Cruz is also likely attempting to give delegates and party insiders a fuller picture of how the general election would play out if they chose him as the nominee.

And it won’t go unnoticed that Cruz has chosen a female vice presidential candidate to face Clinton.

Mark Levin also interviewed Carly:

Fiorina also sat down with MSNBC for a short interview and in it she ripped Trump again, saying that the majority of Republicans do not want Trump as their nominee. She also pointed out, after being asked about his comments on Hillary Clinton last night, that Trump clearly has a problem with women, mentioning how he attacked Heidi Cruz just a few weeks ago. Trump has a real thing against women. I watched Miss America from 2008 on Buck Sexton’s show yesterday. She said he treats women abysmally. After watching him for months, I’m totally certain that is true. Watch the clip here.

Now, with the cemented Cruz/Fiorina partnership in play, Trump will have to revisit the harsh comment he made about Fiorina with, “Look at that face!” over and over and over again. Good. I hope this time it has more impact. Carly brings an agile mind, formidable communication skills and an outsider’s resume. They are already calling it the Carly effect. She will enhance Cruz and help him sweep through the west.

“I’ve had tough fights all my life,” Fiorina said after Cruz introduced her. “Tough fights don’t worry me a bit.”

Voters in Indiana and California will now get a Cruz/Fiorina ticket to mull over as compared to Trump. I think it was a good move and congrats to Carly.

“Carly is a vice presidential nominee who I think is superbly skilled, superbly gifted at helping unite this party,” Cruz told a rally in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.

Yes, she is. Good hunting in Indiana.

And if you need the ultimate reason to vote for Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina… I give you John Boehner:

Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) excoriated Republican presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz during an event at Stanford University Wednesday as he referred to him simply as “Lucifer in the flesh.”

Boehner let loose with his harsh critique of the Texas senator after he was asked by the event moderator to be “frank,” according to the Stanford Daily.

“Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner said of Cruz. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

That would do it for me all by itself, not that I ever needed convincing on Ted Cruz. He’s the constitutional conservative we have waited decades for.

I’ll close by sharing a number of tweets and pics – most are from Legal Insurrection (an excellent blog you should visit every day):

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