Officer Kerrie Orozco, Did Mom’s Life Matter?

Kerry Wheeler’s life mattered to many, especially her husband, step-children, and her newborn baby.?

Question 1: Where is the most crime in America?
Question 2: Where do police need to be busiest among the people, despite how many cops are murdered there, by morally demented thugs, year in and year out?

Anyone reading this who doesn’t see that “progressives” are neo-Marxists ginning up unrest among inner city blacks, to keep them on their paternalist plantation? Omaha Cop Kerrie Orozco Gunned Down Hours Before Maternity Leave

News to blacks in da citay?: Democrats’ policies of government dependence and their anti-morality of the sexual revolution are what keep you enslaved and endangered – those who make it out of the womb alive, that is.

Slain Omaha Police Officer Kerrie Orozco ‘had a heart of gold,’
friends say,

Marcus Wheeler, killer of Officer Orozco. His life mattered, for evil.

Marcus Wheeler, killer of Officer Orozco. His life mattered for evil.

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