Democrats’ Abysmal Failure (or Sabotage) in Iraq & Mideast, by VP Joe Biden

biden_indy_082310“Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends and I have a great relationship with Erdogan, which I spend a lot of time with; the Saudis, the Emirates, etc.” beings Joe Biden.

“Systemic failure,” says the former MI5 analyst.

“Great friends,” I say.

Later today, or tomorrow I’ll add a few notes and links to this Resister’s Log entry, or a follow-up item. For now, please listen to every second of this very extraordinary video.

Yeah, yeah, we realize that RT is a propaganda ministry of Putin’s Russia – and they happen to tell big chunks of the real, pravda truth that the NWO West’s propaganda arms, including America’s significantly captured “intelligence community” and its alphabet media “fail” to tell.

The RT report doesn’t tell exactly where and to whom Biden said these things. Let’s find out.

And just what is behind this alleged failure?  Let us not assume that incompetence is an effective cover for conspiracy.

TY Majid Moghdam