By: Trevor Loudon
New Zeal

Brian Becker
Two groups have been most actively supporting “there is no such thing as an ex-Chekist,” Vladimir Putin’s naked aggression in the Ukraine.
They are Western communists, who hate the West and still see Russia as a force for socialism and anti-Americanism, and some naive Western “conservatives” like commentator Pat Buchanan and actor Steven Segal, who seem to believe that Comrade Putin is a closet Christian bent on defending Western values and saving Europe from the Islamic hordes. These naifs seem to have no idea that Mr. Putin’s KGB/FSB comrades have long manipulated those Islamic hordes against the West and have attacked our values at every opportunity for more than 90 years.
The communists must be laughing up their sleeves as they dupe self deluding “conservatives” like Buchanan and Segal into cheerleading their own destruction.
Here’s one such Western communist — Brian Becker of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Interviewed on Kremlin propaganda channel RT (formerly Russia Today), Comrade Becker does a splendid job of obscuring the truth and spreading lies and disinformation on Moscow’s behalf.
Wouldn’t it be helpful to actually try to explain exactly why Becker’s claims are false?