Preferably, before America finishes embracing the types of riots and unrest seen in Britain over the last couple of weeks. I don’t hold much hope for that outcome though. With Philadelphia percolating its own riots and a Day of Rage coming to New York, good times will be had by the Communists and Anarchists. There will most likely be a hot time in New York and Philly without a doubt.

And in a tit for tat situation, protesters cut phone lines in Pennsylvania to further protests by Verizon union members. Thus furthering union mob tactics and terrorizing that area.
I personally fear both sides. As loss of morality and respect for the law accelerates, insanity will exponentially explode into more and more violence. You won’t know who to trust, so you better arm yourselves and prepare to defend your homes and family. When it hits the fan in your area, you may not get a second chance. Just like homeowners and business owners in Britain didn’t get a second chance. They died trying to defend their homes.

So many things at once are causing this to come about in the US: religion, race, the economy, Marxists, Progressives, Communists, Anarchists. All coordinated by those who are connected to, and who surround, Barrack Obama. An evil plan whose time has come at long last for those who would force America to her knees. Hatred of America run amok – hate that we have allowed to fester and grow out of guilt, apathy and weakness.
Americans are better than this. We always have been. We have to rid ourselves of the Progressives in our midst. Ruthlessly vote them out and meet them on every front available. Every town hall, every meeting, every conference call.
There is no room for these violent protests and riots. We cannot let our cities and neighborhoods devolve into this madness. The people protesting aren’t hurting ‘the man,’ they are hurting their neighbors, their employers, their friends, their families… What does it gain them? More fear, more poverty, move enslavement. It is not the way out. It is the way down.
Start where you live. Organize those who agree with you. Actively go out and get people that are worthy to be in office elected. It’s hard work, but it is the best way to change what is going on. We outnumber the left 3 to 1 and they are holding America hostage. It does not need to be this way. They have gained power by carefully planning and inserting the right people into office. Watch what your enemy is doing successfully (that isn’t violent or immoral) and implement it.
You have to make the minority understand they aren’t the majority to get them to back off. It’s the same reason that the Second Amendment is so important. If criminals know you are armed, they think twice before attacking you. You become a fighter and not a victim. While we were working, raising our families and just living, the left has been planning, organizing, attacking us by winning one battle at a time. That is how you win a war. If Conservatives can organize by neighborhood and then by city and figure out a battle plan for winning elections and ways to implement Conservative values, we will win and there does not have to be bloodshed and death. We don’t have to play into the Communists hands, but we need to move quickly and forcefully now before that is our only option. We can either fight or succumb. We need to break the cycle of dependency on the government and return to American independence.
This all just reminds me that I have one thing to do before I’m dead, just one… Get Barack Obama and his evil minions out of our White House.
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton administrates the Noisy Room blog, where she documents the influences of those politically off the American course, called progressives. She is also a contributor to KeyWiki.org and her articles are featured in the daily Web publication, The Globe & Malevolence.
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