Agenda 21 – Defeating the Plan to Defeat America

U.N. dove imagery becomes a hand to grasp the entire world, in this Agenda 21, ICLEI logo

The revolution to take back America and restore it to being the future-oriented free republic it was designed to be, must begin at the local level.  That is why I consider what the Commissioners of Carroll County, Maryland recently did to be so important, and a “glimmer of sunlight” in the darkness.

(See article by James Simpson, “Agenda 21 Part III: Maryland County Abolishes Agenda 21 – now for the rest of the country.”)

Carroll County is the first government organization in America to vote (unanimously) to withdraw from the UN’s International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).  If you don’t know why Carroll County’s withdrawal is so important, hopefully by the end of this article you will.  May God grant that many other counties across the United States follow Carroll County’s lead — the sooner the better.

What follows is a revised and updated reprint of one of my articles from 2009:

The Plan” — Agenda 21 and the Death Knell of Liberty

Godspeed,  Jim O’Neill

Gulag Note: see Agenda 21 tag for more ~


  1. Agenda 21 and then we have this:

    The “Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”. Every American needs to know this!

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