Part 6 here.
Right now Steve Phillips/Color of Change and their network of “progressive” allies are deploying millions of dollars and thousands of Get Out The Vote activists into the 5 key states: North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas and Arizona. While Republicans are focusing on the Midwest, the far left are making huge inroads into their soft underbelly in the South.
San Francisco lawyer and Democratic Party “mover and Shaker” Steve Phillips has a plan to install a de facto “one party state” in this country.

Barack Obama, Steve Phillips and “Brown is the New White” 2016
Inspired by the plan for a “New Progressive Majority” created in the ’80s by his old comrades in the pro-China League of Revolutionary Struggle, Phillips is using his wealth and influence to create a “New American Majority.” This will be a coalition of “progressive whites” and “people of color” working through the increasingly dominant left wing of the Democratic Party. Phillips believes that demographic changes have already created this majority and if correctly harnessed, it will soon become unbeatable.
Steve Phillips has a plan to make that happen. He is implementing it through his new group Democracy in Color.
“Return of the Majority: A Roadmap for Taking Back Our Country” is a “detailed plan calling for Democrats and progressives to spend $1 billion over the next four years focusing on mobilizing 10 million new voters — primarily people of color and progressive whites — to the polls in the 17 closest battleground states where Democrats won or lost the 2016 presidential vote by single-digit percentages.”

From the Color of Change website.
In addition to the opportunity to take statewide power in the Frontline States, there are an additional 13 congressional districts outside of those Frontline States where the margin of difference is very narrow. Winning these Districts in 2018— along with 15 Frontline Congressional Districts in the 17 Frontline States— would result in recapturing control of the House of Representatives and halting the efforts to dismantle the progress America has made towards justice and equality.

Democracy in Color Muslim activist Rida Hamida with “Brown is the New White”
This national initiative was unveiled in March 2017 by Democracy in Color—a multimedia platform on race and politics—founded by Steve Phillips, author of The New York Times bestselling book Brown Is the New White.It is designed to help progressives and Democrats win back the White House and down ballot offices by 2020 by calling on progressives nationwide to support voter mobilization groups in specific states and counties, especially those that mobilize voters of color.
The Democratic Party wasted millions of dollars during the 2016 election cycle on TV ads, most of which were targeted at white swing voters, instead of on field operations aimed at existing New American Majority voters who helped re-elect Obama in 2012. The “Future Five States” to focus on are: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. These states are trending Democratic as the population of these five states is on the rise, especially the people of color populations.
Phillips’ argument is that the South is vulnerable and can be taken back for the Democrats by signing up hundreds of thousands of minority voters. No more massive add buys to swing a handful of white “swing” voters. No going back to the center. Spend those millions instead on paid local teams organizing in Black, Latino, native American, Muslim and “poor white communities.
More Obama voters defected to third- and fourth-party candidates than the number who supported the 2016 Republican presidential candidate. The way for Democrats to win them back is by being more progressive, not less. Sending support to Frontline groups and individuals on the Frontlines of the struggle can be done for a fraction of the cost of what is traditionally spent on political campaigns. Every two years, the Democratic Party committees and allied outside groups spend in excess of $500 million. Traditionally, most of that money goes to television ads targeted at white swing voters.
In order to win in 2020, and in the coming months and years, we need a disciplined, effective, large-scale electoral operation that is rooted in and led by community-based organizations and leaders in all of the critical areas in the ten states that we lost by single digits (and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the seven states we won by single digits or less).
The Phillips/Color of Change strategy worked to move once red Virginia into the purple column. It worked to defeat a very vulnerable Roy Moore in last December’s US Senate race in Alabama. And it worked in spades with Steve Phillips protege Stacey Abrams’s recent landslide (76% – 23%) victory in the May 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial primary.
Right now, Steve Phillips/Color of Change and their network of “progressive” allies are deploying millions of dollars and thousands of Get Out The Vote activists into the 5 key states: North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas and Arizona. While Republicans are focusing on the Midwest, the far left are making huge inroads into their soft underbelly in the South.
Democracy in Color and their allies are pouring huge amounts of money into allied organizations in targeted states.
Most of these organizations are controlled by the hard left. Southern Election Fund is a spinoff of Steve Phillips’ PowerPAC+. Blueprint North Carolina is heavily influenced by the pro-North Korean Workers World Party. The New Florida Majority, Florida Immigrant Coalition and the Ohio Organizing Collaborative are all closely affiliated with the pro-China Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
North Carolina, Florida and Arizona are all very vulnerable in 2018 and 2020. Georgia and Texas are both trending blue and may lose Congressional seats to the Democrats in both elections. Even Republican Ted Cruz’s rock-solid Senate Texas seat is looking just a little shaky.
If Democracy in Color and their allies call steal enough seats out of the South and other targeted states in 2018 to regain control over the House in 2018, the Trump Presidency will almost certainly be doomed in 2020.
The Phillips cabal already has their Presidential candidate shortlist prepared for 2020.
If their candidate wins, the Constitution will soon follow the GOP into extinction.
Look for Part 8 coming soon: “ Steve Phillips Works With 40,000 Communists And Socialists To Take Over The Democratic Party”
A book entitled “The Rainbow Conspiracy” will be released in October 2018.
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