Trump’s Political Assassination Attempt: Cruz Stays True To His Principles, Freedom And The Constitution

Ted Cruz

I watched Ted Cruz’s speech last night. It was the only part of the entire GOP Convention that I care to witness. His speech was fantastic and presidential, regardless of what you are hearing out there today. Cruz honored the fallen police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. He spoke of freedom and the Constitution. He told people to vote their conscience and refused to endorse Donald Trump. And for the record, Rubio and Ryan did not endorse either.

Last night I witnessed something I had never seen before in politics in my lifetime… an attempted political assassination within the Republican Party. Donald Trump set that whole thing up last night. It was Russianesque and it was pure Manafort. Did you know that Paul Manafort pulled this tactic against Ronald Reagan in 1976? It wasn’t as thuggish or violent, but he did it then too. And Reagan did not endorse Gerald Ford either.

Per The Resurgent:

Multiple press outlets are confirming what I first reported from Cruz sources. Manafort did threaten Cruz that if he did not change his speech the crowd would boo. Cruz refused and Manafort organized delegates to boo Cruz. They booed before Cruz had even finished a sentence that might have included a endorsement.

They even booed Cruz saying “God bless America.”

And more…

Still, Ted Cruz defied Cheeto Jesus and his Kremlin subsidized thugs. And yes, they are Kremlin subsidized thugs.

Cruz, for his part, went on stage, congratulated Donald Trump, told the voters to vote their conscience, and to vote up and down the ballot for conservatives who will support the constitution. Given the Trump reaction to Cruz’s speech, they must not view Trump as a conservative who will support the constitution.

Make no mistake about it, Ted Cruz gave the strongest defense of conservatism in Cleveland. He stuck to his guns, set the vision of the GOP, and defended the party of Lincoln and Reagan. For that, he was booed and his wife was nearly lynched by a bunch of goons organized by the Trump campaign. And it was organized by the Trump campaign.

Ted Cruz will be remembered fondly by history for standing up for conviction and principle and defying Cheeto Jesus and his merry lynch mob of alt-right unprincipled racists and whores who have taken over the GOP.

Ted Cruz1

Trump knew well in advance exactly what was in Ted Cruz’s speech. He knew two days before last night that Cruz would not endorse him. He did his level best to set Cruz up to make him look bad and destroy his future political career. It didn’t work.

Conservative Review:

The easy thing to do, since Cruz withheld his endorsement, would have been to sit the convention out. Or send in a video message. That’s what many other high-profile Republicans — former GOP presidents, governors, senators and congressman — chose to do. Cruz did not choose the comfortable route. He did not opt to simply go on stage and, like so many other speakers, bash Hillary Clinton for the entirety of his remarks, either.

Cruz started off by congratulating Donald Trump on his nomination. That was gracious considering the lies Trump spread about his wife, his father and himself. He took dead aim at Hillary Clinton as well. He closed by calling on voters to vote their conscience and not stay home in November. For extolling freedom and the Constitution, and for not kneeling before a vile, evil and twisted man, Trump had his minions boo Cruz because he would not endorse the orange one. They did not boo him off the stage as reported. They did not stop Cruz from finishing his speech and standing his ground, even though he was called calculating and a coward.

What did happen on the way out though, was that one of Trump’s delegates tried to physically assault Ted Cruz. Heidi Cruz was being jeered and threatened and had to be ushered out with heavy security. The Thuggees of the GOP were in full force last night. They were being led by Paul Manafort who was actively in the ranks getting delegates to boo at Cruz. The whole thing was planned and orchestrated by Donald Trump weeks in advance. It is the most shameful thing I have ever seen. His well dressed and groomed family did not applaud Cruz once – they applauded when he was booed. All of them are scum as far as I am concerned.

The media and Trump’s minions are in full lying mode today claiming Cruz was booed off the stage and that he was using dead cops to build his political career. Those are vicious lies. Cruz did not speak of himself once last night. He knew that what he would say would not be welcomed or be popular… he did it anyway. He stood by his principles and reached out to a broken nation.

Trump entered in grand fashion as Cruz was booed… egging the crowd on and giving the thumb’s up. These are the actions of a dictator in the making. If he will pull this against a man of honor, a rival such as Ted Cruz, just imagine what he will do if elected.

From Ben Shapiro:

Trump has now tweeted out a slap at Cruz: “Ted Cruz booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!” Sean Spicer of the pathetic Republican National Convention said that he was “hoping for better,” even though the text was pre-screened. Donald Trump Jr. appeared with Sean Hannity to exclaim, “The best unity I saw was everyone booing [Cruz] off the stage.”

Back in March Trump rescinded his pledge to back the Republican nominee. Remember that? Well, he’s lying about last night too. In fact, as the real author of the Art of the Deal has pointed out, Trump is a narcissist and a pathological liar that can’t be trusted.

More from Ben Shapiro:

According to the source, the entire Cruz speech was cleared by the Trump campaign. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, expressly approved the speech at 4:30 PM ET. The source, who was standing on the convention floor at the time of the speech, said that Trump operatives were present, urging the crowd to boo. “This was orchestrated by the Trump campaign to make Senator Cruz a pariah within the party,” said the source.

“We made this arrangement weeks ago regarding the speech,” the source continued. “We said we wouldn’t cause trouble with the delegates, that Senator Cruz would give a speech, that Senator Cruz would not endorse. They agreed to that. That was always the deal. They saw the speech beforehand and knew what Senator Cruz would be saying. They offered no pushback on the speech whatsoever.”

In fact, the source added, a few hours before the speech, the Trump campaign had been in negotiations with Cruz for Cruz to play a larger role in the campaign, including advising on Israel policy. Minutes after the speech ended, the source noted, the Trump campaign instantly informed them that the offer had been withdrawn.

“Senator Cruz was a little surprised by the depth of the boos,” the source said. “Donors have been emailing, declaring that he’s dead, that it’s the end of his political career.

“But I don’t think this is all going to play out the way Donald Trump thinks it will.”

Everything Cruz said was right and true. It is what we should be listening to… not populism.

I had said during Chris Christie’s speech that although I agree Clinton is a criminal and should go to prison, I was disturbed by the tone whipped up calling her ‘guilty’ just like a lynch mob would. Then there is the delegate in New Hampshire that says she should be shot for treason. The Secret Service is investigating him. That seems to be the norm for the nationalist/populists that kneel at the alter of Trump. They are violent bullies. Last night was a testament to that.

Ted Cruz2

Trump is now saying that he will honor the Iran deal. His new treasury pick is a Goldman Sachs guy. He took yet another stance against NATO and supported Russia once more. Mike Pence is also a waste of breath – he is more of a friend of China’s than ours. Kasich allegedly turned down the VP slot with Trump even though he was offered both foreign and national policy. I don’t care for Kasich… he’s too Progressive for my tastes, but at least he has a set and a shred of integrity.

I am through with the Republican Party. I am now more against Trump than ever before. Every time he talks to his sycophants, I can feel my IQ bleeding out my eyes. I can’t take the lies and the constant shifting on political stances. I can’t take the obvious obeisance to our enemies. This is GOP suicide and I won’t be a part of it. You won’t convince me to change my mind and shame on anyone who follows this man. You will one day bitterly regret what you are doing.

I stand with Ted Cruz and those who oppose Donald Trump. I stand with freedom, the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. And I stand by my principles. I stand against Trump and his nationalist populists and I stand against the RINOs and Progressives. The GOP is dead to me. There is a massive split coming in the Conservative movement and you will find me with the constitutionalists.

Here is the full transcript of Ted Cruz’s speech via Conservative Review:

Thank you. Heidi and I are honored to join you here in Cleveland, where Lebron James just led an incredible comeback victory. I’m convinced America is going to come back too.

I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night.

Conventions are times of excitement. But given the events of the last few weeks, I hope you’ll allow me a moment to talk to you about what’s really at stake.

Just two weeks ago, a nine-year-old girl named Caroline was having a carefree Texas summer – swimming in the pool, playing with friends, doing all the things a happy child might do.

Like most children, she took for granted the love she received from her mom, Heidi, and her dad, a police sergeant named Michael Smith. That is, until he became one of the five police officers gunned down in Dallas.

The day her father was murdered, Caroline gave him a hug and kiss as he left for work. But as they parted, her dad asked her something he hadn’t asked before:

“What if this is the last time you ever kiss or hug me?'”

Later, as she thought of her fallen father, and that last heartbreaking hug, Caroline broke down in tears. How could anything ever be OK again?

Michael Smith was a former Army ranger who spent three decades with the Dallas Police Department. I have no idea who he voted for in the last election, or what he thought about this one. But his life was a testament to devotion. He protected the very protestors who mocked him because he loved his country and his fellow man. His work gave new meaning to that line from literature, “To die of love is to live by it.”

As I thought about what I wanted to say tonight, Michael Smith’s story weighed on my heart. Maybe that’s because his daughter, Caroline, is about the same age as my eldest daughter and happens to share the same name. Maybe it’s because I saw a video of that dear, sweet child choking back sobs as she remembered her daddy’s last question to her. Maybe it’s because we live in a world where so many others have had their lives destroyed by evil, in places like Orlando and Paris and Nice and Baton Rouge. Maybe it is because of the simple question itself:

What if this, right now, is our last time? Our last moment to do something for our families and our country?

Did we live up to our values? Did we do all we could?

That’s really what elections should be about. That’s why you and millions like you devoted so much time and sacrifice to this campaign.

We’re fighting, not for one particular candidate or one campaign, but because

each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids, our own Carolines, that we did our best for their future, and for our country.

America is more than just a land mass between two oceans. America is an idea, a simple yet powerful idea: freedom matters.

For much of human history, government power has been the unavoidable constant in life – government decrees, and the people obey.

Not here. We have no king or queen. No dictator. We the People constrain government.

Our nation is exceptional because it was built on the five most powerful words in the English language: I want to be free.

Never has that message been more needed than today.

We stand here tonight a nation divided. Partisan rancor, anger, even hatred are tearing America apart.

And citizens are furious—rightly furious—at a political establishment that cynically breaks its promises and ignores the will of the people.

We have to do better. We owe our fallen heroes more than that.

Of course, Obama and Clinton will tell you that they also care about our children’s future. And I want to believe them. But there is a profound difference in our two parties’ visions for the future.

Theirs is the party that thinks ISIS is a “JV team,” that responds to the death of Americans at Benghazi by asking, “What difference does it make?” That thinks

it’s possible to make a deal with Iran, which celebrates as holidays “Death to America Day” and “Death to Israel Day.”

My friends, this is madness.

President Obama is a man who does everything backwards – he wants to close Guantanamo Bay and open up our borders, he exports jobs and imports terrorists.

Enough is enough.

There is a better vision for our future: A return to freedom.

On education, your freedom to choose your child’s education, even if you aren’t as rich as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

On healthcare, your freedom to choose your own doctor, without Obamacare.

On taxes, your freedom to provide for your family without the IRS beating down your door.

The Internet? Keep it free from taxes, free from regulation. And don’t give it away to Russia and China.

Freedom means free speech, not politically correct safe spaces.

Freedom means religious freedom, whether you are Christian or Jew, Muslim or atheist. Gay or straight, the Bill of Rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience.

Freedom means the right to keep and bear arms, and protect your family.

Freedom means Supreme Court Justices who don’t dictate policy, but instead follow the Constitution.

And freedom means recognizing that our Constitution allows states to choose policies that reflect local values. Colorado may decide something different than Texas. New York different than Iowa. Diversity. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. If not, what’s the point of having states to begin with?

Hillary Clinton believes government should make virtually every choice in your life. Education, healthcare, marriage, speech – all dictated out of Washington.

But something powerful is happening. We’ve seen it in both parties. We’ve seen it in the United Kingdom’s unprecedented Brexit vote to leave the European Union.

Voters are overwhelmingly rejecting big government. That’s a profound victory.

People are fed up with politicians who don’t listen to them, fed up with a corrupt system that benefits the elites, instead of working men and women.

We deserve an immigration system that puts America first. And yes, builds a wall to keep us safe.

That stops admitting ISIS terrorists as refugees.

We deserve trade policies that put the interests of American farmers and manufacturing jobs over the global interests funding the lobbyists.

And if we choose freedom, our future will be brighter.

Freedom will bring back jobs, raise wages.

Freedom will lift people out of dependency, to the dignity of work.

We can do this. 47 years ago today, America put a man on the moon. That’s the power of freedom.

Our party was founded to defeat slavery. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

We passed the Civil Rights Act, and fought to eliminate Jim Crow laws.

Those were fights for freedom, and so is this.

Sergeant Michael Smith stood up to protect our freedom.

So do our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines fighting radical Islamic terrorism.

So did the family of Alton Sterling, who bravely called to end the violence.

So did the families of those murdered at the Charleston Emanuel AME church, who forgave that hateful, bigoted murderer.

And so can we.

We deserve leaders who stand for principle. Unite us all behind shared values. Cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect, from everybody.

And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.

It’s love of freedom that has allowed millions to achieve their dreams. Like my Mom, the first in her family to go to college, and my Dad, who fled prison and torture in Cuba, coming to Texas with just $100 sewn into his underwear.

And it is love that I hope will bring comfort to a grieving 9-year-old girl in Dallas – and, God willing, propel her to move forward, and dream, and soar . . . and make her daddy proud.

We must make the most of our moment – to fight for freedom, to protect our God-given rights, even of those with whom we don’t agree, so that when we are old and gray . . . and our work is done . . . and we give those we love one final kiss goodbye . . . we will be able to say, “Freedom matters, and I was part of something beautiful.”

Thank you. And may God bless the United States of America.


  1. Which ever way your chip fall, T. Cruz will never be elected POTUS. He will be lucky to retain his seat but beyond that, his fate is sealed.

  2. America first. This ain’t your fathers presidential cycle. It’s either Hillary or America. Cruz is a globalist i’m not eligible for the office of the presidency. Fact.

  3. I’m writing this 20 days after the Convention debacle. In those 20 days Donald Trump has sagged in the polls as he continues to be his own worst enemy. He literally reminds me of a bull in a Spanish bull fighting ring. The press are the picaderos wounding him with everything they throw at him. He thrashes around lowering his head, charging them but he is now starting to bleed profusely. It is sad to watch.
    Those who commented above that Cruz is dead and Trump will triumph are now quieter as daily Trump continues to be his own foil.
    If Cruz would have endorsed Trump then he would have to be answering for the crazy remarks Trump can’t help but make. Cruz can stand free of the whole mess.

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