
Persecution with a Progressive twist… here they come for the conservatives. The Left feels so emboldened that they are blatantly hunting us now for all the world to see. This week alone, in high profile they have used their primary weapon of choice, the IRS, against the TEA Party and the Friends of Abe. Cuomo in New York has bellowed that conservatives are not welcome in his state and has just filed a subpoena against James O’Keefe. Marxist media is compiling a database of concealed carry permit owners to target them as well. It is the new Progressive McCarthyism and it will be used against each of us in turn if you find yourself on the other side of the political spectrum.
It would seem the IRS has an actual BOLO (be on the lookout for) list. Friends of Abe has been told by their IRS representative that they are on that list and are being targeted. Not only are TEA Party groups also being targeted in the same manner, conservatives in general are being attacked by the IRS and various Obama Administration agencies. If you lean right, they consider you the enemy and they will come after you. It’s not paranoia if they are really after you folks. Welcome to the new blacklist era.
Let me tell you something… when I started blogging 13 years ago, others in my field were aghast. They told me I would never work again in consulting. Well, I have and I have some wonderful clients, but I have taken a huge hit on my business. I suspect it is a combination of my unapologetic conservative stance and Progressive economic policies. But I knew what I was getting into when I stepped into the arena and I don’t regret it one bit. There are many things that are more important than money and a few that are more important than life. This fight comes with a cost and I am not alone. So many in all walks of life across America, in fact, the majority, share my views. We have been cowed into silence by a relative few enemies within that we somehow let gain control. Those days are just about over. A battle for the very heart and soul of America has begun… one we must win if we are to survive. Literally and figuratively. Did you really think we could just play at this? Walk with communists unscathed? That, if given the chance, they wouldn’t physically come after us? I knew there would be a price to pay, not just in business, but in my life. I gladly pay it. And I will see this through till the end, one way or the other.
I have a quote for you from my favorite author, Dean Koontz. In his new book, Innocence, he shows great and deep insight:
When men in power decide that things need to be rebalanced at any cost, the violence is never brief and never really directed solely at the imbalance that supposedly inspired it. The rule of law becomes the rule of violence. Revenge becomes a synonym for justice. No city is safe from such horror, no nation, no time in all of history. Be ready to recognize the moment. Be always ready.
His quote is a warning to all of us and it is one each of us should heed.
Sen. Ted Cruz wants a special prosecutor to investigate misconduct at the IRS. He is right. Holder and the DOJ, will of course, ignore and deride him for such a request. But this is an important step in the fight. We must exercise every option at our disposal… exhaust every constitutional method to fight the Marxists. If that fails, the war — the fight — will be personal. It will be felt in our homes, in our work, in our houses of worship — and the price for all of us will be a price of monumental stature. This is why Trevor Loudon and I are telling you we must win the elections in 2014 and 2016. We are out of time and we must wrest control back into the hands of conservatives. From Ted Cruz:
“To date, no one has been indicted. And it has been reported that the FBI plans not to file any criminal charges. This is a sad state of affairs. The widespread perception of partisan bias, of manifest conflict of interest, besmirches the reputation of the Department of Justice. And it undermines confidence in rule of law,” Cruz wrote. ”I ask you personally to demonstrate the independence that so many of your predecessors have demonstrated, and act to preserve the integrity of the Department of Justice and immediately appoint a special prosecutor, with meaningful independence, to investigate the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative groups.”
His request will fall on deaf ears in this Administration, but will be heard by America at large. They see what is going on and they are beginning to realize who the real enemies are within our own walls of government.
Drudge was just full of alarming headlines this morning on the new Progressive McCarthyism. Dinesh D’Souza hit a nerve and pissed Obama off with his film: Obama’s America 2016 – Love Him, Hate Him, You Don’t Know Him. Even The Hollywood Reporter sees the hunt is on by the Progressive bloodhounds:
Dinesh D’Souza is accused of giving too much money to a candidate who sought to replace former New York Sen. Hillary Clinton. Producer Gerald Molen tells The Hollywood Reporter the charges are politically motivated.
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, whose documentary 2016: Obama’s America took a critical look at President Barack Obama and was a surprise hit in 2012, will be arrested in New York on Friday for allegedly violating campaign-finance laws, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Federal authorities accuse D’Souza of donating more than is legal to the campaign of Wendy Long, who ran in 2012 for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton but lost to now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Long, though, is not mentioned in an indictment obtained by THR on Thursday.
Benjamin Brafman, an attorney for D’Souza, tells THR that his client “did not act with any corrupt or criminal intent whatsoever … at worst this was an act of misguided friendship by D’Souza.”
Molen added: “When American citizens begin to suspect that people are being arrested for alleged minor violations because of their vocal dissent against their elected representatives or rulers, it breeds disrespect and contempt for the law and suspicion of those officials. … If this unfortunate action against Dinesh is intended to deter the release of his upcoming film, America, that effort will fail.”
You’re damned right it’s politically motivated. The same supposed crime was committed by a donor for John Edwards. He got a misdemeanor charge. D’Souza will not be so lucky… They are throwing the book at him. This is coming straight from Barack Obama’s enemies list. This conservative witch hunt should send a severe shiver down America’s spine. This isn’t just violating the constitution, it’s setting it on fire and stomping on it for good measure.
We see De Blasio in New York refusing to plow the neighborhoods of the wealthy. A blatant communist and Progressive thug, he will be the downfall of the big apple. He shows his petty animosity towards capitalism and conservatives at every turn. From Sultan Knish’s excellent, Totalitarians of New York:
Bill de Blasio’s focus after his petty and mean-spirited inauguration was a ban on carriage horses in Central Park at the behest of a real estate developer who backed his campaign and has his eye on their stables, a tussle over who will get the credit for Pre-K with Governor Cuomo and the beating of Kang Wong, an 84-year-old man, over a jaywalking ticket.
The media had lavished praise on Bill de Blasio after his first photo op shoveling snow and celebrated his call to implement Vision Zero, a Swedish plan to cut traffic fatalities to zero, even though there was no remote possibility of reducing traffic fatalities to zero in a major city filled with cars, pedestrians, cyclists and even pedicabs.
Instead of preparing for the snow, Team De Blasio launched a crackdown on jaywalking in Manhattan where three-quarters of the residents don’t own cars. And so the Upper East Side, which didn’t vote for Bill de Blasio, became a snarled and unplowed mess and the jaywalking enforcers put an 84-year-old man in the hospital after arresting him for the tall order of “jaywalking, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.”
Jaywalking is as much a part of New York as salty pretzels and the carriage horses of Central Park. While Bill de Blasio claimed to be inspired by Mayor La Guardia, the latter had an entirely different view of the relationship between the people and the city government.
This is Progressive justice. It’s like putting a sissy mafia in charge, with all their mean-spirited, petty, childish vindictiveness unleashed on the American public. They are elitist thugs, crying for the downtrodden, while wearing Prada and sipping champagne. Forget “let them eat cake,” it’s now “let them plow snow.”
On to Cuomo who publicly stated that those that are right-to-life and conservative have no place in New York. He then of course denied it, but alas… it was already on tape. Now he’s gunning for conservative activist James O’Keefe:
Conservative activist James O’Keefe is accusing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration of targeting his group with document requests and a subpoena, claiming the Democratic governor’s recent comments critical of conservatives “aren’t simply words.”
O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas is behind a series of hidden-camera investigations against left-leaning groups and causes, made the claims on the heels of the controversy over a recent Cuomo interview. In it, Cuomo blasted “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay” and said they “have no place” in New York. He later walked back his remarks, and said they were being taken out of context in the media.
But O’Keefe claimed that Cuomo’s government is acting on those words, revealing that the Department of Labor has hit his office in Westchester County, N.Y., with demands for financial documents for months. He compared it to IRS targeting of conservative groups nationwide.
“Governor Cuomo’s shocking words this past week aren’t simply words,” O’Keefe said in a statement. “Governor Cuomo and the New York Department of Labor are on a witch hunt, demanding all documents and financials since our founding. … His goal, of course, is to harass us and limit our effectiveness by tying us up in court. Just like President Obama used the IRS to target and suppress conservatives, Governor Cuomo is using his Department of Labor to do the same exact thing.”
Next up, Chuckie Schumer is publicly calling for the IRS to target the TEA Party. Surprise, surprise… Schumer is one of the most vile politicians on the face of the planet and he’s from New York. From Jammie Wearing Fool:
Wait, we thought the Tea Party was dead? So why is this chump speaking to a group bankrolled by George Soros trying to convince the Tea Party that the evil Koch Brothers are bad for them?
Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the Senate Democrats’ political guru, has a plan to poison the Tea Party by driving a wedge between its rich funders and its blue-collar rank and file.
Schumer, one of the Democrats’ most influential strategists, will argue in a major speech on Thursday that super-wealthy Tea Party donors have hijacked the grassroots movement that grew out of the economic anxiety of the 2008 financial collapse to suit their pro-big business agenda.
He’ll lay out a blueprint for how Democrats can exploit what he argues is a weakness in the opposition in the address at the Center for American Progress, a pro-Democratic think tank founded by John Podesta, who just joined President Obama’s inner circle at the White House.
Schumer will argue that Democrats must defend popular government programs such as extended unemployment benefits and student loan subsidies to persuade Tea Party voters that they can benefit from federal programs.
“He will suggest specific issues for Democrats to focus on in 2014 in order to remind the Tea Party and its supporters that government can be a force for good,” his office said.
And from The Washington Free Beacon:
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed using the Internal Revenue Service to curtail Tea Party group funding during a speech on how to “exploit” and “weaken” the movement at the Center for American Progress on Thursday.
Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.
“It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies—we must redouble those efforts immediately,” Schumer said.
“One of the great advantages the Tea Party has is the huge holes in our campaign finance laws created [by] the ill advised decision [Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission],” Schumer said. “Obviously the Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government.”
Once again using projection, Schumer exposes himself and the Left. It is the Left that has billions of dollars from the likes of Soros funding it to destroy America, conservatives and our way of life. Schumer just declared war between the government and America at large.
Then we have the news of Timothy Geithner threatening Standard and Poors because they embarrassed the Administration over credit ratings. It’s the Chicago way:
In this case, in August 2011, Standard & Poor’s brought an embarrassing downgrading of U.S. debt to AA+ from AAA in advance of the president’s re-election bid, the first such reduction in U.S. history.
In response, the administration brought a lawsuit in 2013 charging fraud and seeking $5 billion in fines from S&P for the credit ratings it had attached to bonds supported by subprime mortgages in the years leading up to the financial meltdown.
At the time, it smacked of vendetta. As we noted last year, S&P’s subprime securities ratings were virtually identical to those of Moody’s and Fitch, yet the government singled out S&P for prosecution simply because it was the only one of the big three to pull the trigger on the downgrade.
The vindictive nature of the government’s lawsuit was confirmed Tuesday when lawyers for McGraw-Hill, S&P’s parent, filed an affidavit from the company’s chairman, Harold McGraw III, stating that on Aug. 8, 2011, mere days after the downgrade, he got a call from Timothy Geithner saying S&P’s deed would not go unpunished.
“He said that ‘you have done an enormous disservice to yourselves and to your country,’ and that S&P’s conduct would be ‘looked at very carefully,'” McGraw said. “Such behavior could not occur, he said, without a response from the government.”
The filing to U.S. District Judge David Carter asked for an order that the Justice Department hand over all related documents for its “retaliation defense.”
S&P maintains the government was initially looking at all three major credit-rating companies and targeted S&P exclusively only after the McGraw-Hill unit downgraded U.S. debt.
“Only S&P Ratings downgraded the United States and only S&P Ratings has been sued by the United States, even though the S&P ratings challenged by the United States were no different than those of at least one other rating agency,” the court filing states.
Next you have Latina actress Maria Conchita Alonso, who is now out of play over support for a Tea Party candidate. She was fired and blacklisted. Who says McCarthyism isn’t alive and well in Hollywood?
A San Francisco arts organization has parted ways with a well-known Latina actress, who was to star in its rendition of “The Vagina Monologues,” after the thespian appeared in a political ad with a California Tea Party lawmaker who is running for governor.
“We really can’t have her in the show, unfortunately,” Eliana Lopez, the producer, told KPIX 5 of Maria Conchita Alonso’s resignation on Friday from the cast of Brava! For Women in the Arts’ upcoming Spanish performance of the Eve Ensler play.
“Of course she has the right to say whatever she wants. But we’re in the middle of the Mission. Doing what she is doing is against what we believe.”
Several Latino organizations have criticized Alonso — a former Miss Venezuela who gained Hollywood fame for hits like “The Running Man,” and “Moscow on the Hudson” — for endorsing Tim Donnelly, a California State Assemblyman from San Bernardino.
I’ve barely scratched the surface and this is just in the last few days. Things are heating up and the conservative hunt is on. You are seeing the unfolding of the new Progressive McCarthyism in play. Progressives have picked the wrong prey – we’ll just see who is the hunter and who is the hunted. We won’t stand still for being targeted and persecuted. We won’t go quietly if you come to get us. You are going to have one hell of a fight on your hands. Conservatives aren’t afraid of shadow governments or Leftist monsters under our beds. You may think you are portraying conservatism as the new communism, but colors do tell and right now America is seeing red all over the place.
Hear! Hear! Trevor Loudon at The 2014 SC TEA Party in Myrtle Beach, Warning of the ‘Enemies Within’
***Note: There seems to be some confusion here that I am denigrating Joe McCarthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I believe he was right on most issues and totally agree with his take on the infiltration of our government and institutions by communists.
However, to appreciate the use of “Progressive McCarthyism” as a descriptor, you have to filter the root term (McCarthyism) through the eyes of those who felt most threatened by it: the radical Left, the communists. In their eyes, McCarthy was the enemy and his effort to rid our society of its most corrosive element directly impacted their grand narrative planning. From their point of view, McCarthyism — indeed all things McCarthy — were bad. For them, it is entirely in order to characterize that movement as “persecution.” Ergo, it is entirely plausible for them to adopt the term “McCarthyism” as a justification for any purge or persecution which they, themselves, initiate.
Purge & persecution is, for them, a legitimate political tool, but they recognize that just calling what they’re doing by its proper name won’t sell, so they’re playing the justification card: “we’re just using your tool against you.” And, as a PR positioning effort, it accomplishes two things: it besmirches McCarthy’s name and (they hope) provides cover for their illegitimate “soft” pogrom against all things conservative.
Any effort to cast conservatism as the new communism is wholly dishonest, a simple matter of convenient PR positioning labels. As usual, even some of our own people have adopted the phrase, without fully appreciating what they are saying. I hope this offers some clarity.
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