Stalking the Blogosphere: BlogBurst Friday, Free Speech Over Terrorism

*** If I missed anyone on the list, let me know and I will add you. 8)

Hat Tips: Michelle Malkin, BB

Join Us For: BlogBurst Friday to Target a Terrorist – In honor of those protesting the terrorism of Stacy McCain/Aaron Walker/Patterico/Liberty Chick by the Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin

Chris Muir at Day by Day Cartoon

In the 11 years I have been blogging, I have had numerous death threats. But they are nothing compared to what Stacey McCain at The Other McCain is going through. I have watched good friends like Michelle Malkin and other bloggers be threatened, stalked and terrorized mercilessly by the left. They have had to move multiple times, hire private security and fear for their lives and their families simply because they dared to speak the truth and fight back against Progressives. The bloggers I know are the bravest people out there and I am proud to call them friends. Being a high-profile blogger in America these days is to have a very large target on your back at all times – I have had numerous death threats, stalkers, hacks to my site and denial of service attacks. You never know what will happen next. But for those who care more for their country than their own lives, bloggers gladly walk the edge every single day with little notice, lots of scorn and risk to personal life and limb. They suffer through troll attacks, their servers being hacked (with the expense of combating that), spam and of course, death threats. Just ask S.E. Cupp. I have never seen such a wonderful person treated so horrifically. It’s barbaric and criminal.

McCain is being threatened by an actual terrorist, the Speedway Bomber – Brett Kimberlin. Over the past year Aaron Walker, Patterico, Liberty Chick and now Stacy McCain have been stalked and terrorized by convicted Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin because they dared to mention his criminal past or assisted others who did as well. Andrew Breitbart issued a strong warning about Kimberlin and his associates. We have to stand up for the bloggers and fight harder. Never back down, never let these bullies smell fear. These guys have been all alone fighting this. I didn’t even know of it till yesterday. I knew about Malkin and various others who had suffered these attacks, but I didn’t know that this level of stalking and terrorism was occurring and on-going. These bullies need to be taken down several notches. Let’s see this asshat try and dance with all of us. Bring it creep.

From The Other McCain:

Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin on Monday continued his effort to silence those who write about his criminal past by contacting my wife’s employer, claiming that I was “harassing” him. The resulting security concern required immediate relocation if I was to be able to continue writing about the case of Kimberlin, a violent felon, perjurer and admitted tax cheat who is employed as the director of a 501(c)3 non-profit that has collected $1.8 million in contributions since 2005.

Kimberlin was convicted of multiple federal felonies in 1981 and sentenced to 50 years in prison after he terrorized a small Indiana town in a brutal crime weeklong bombing spree. Law enforcement officials told the Indianapolis Star they believed the bombings were committed in an attempt to distract authorities investigating the 1978 murder of a 65-year-old grandmother, a crime in which Kimberlin was a suspect.

In recent months, Kimberlin has used a strategy of legal intimidation and workplace harassment in an apparent attempt to silence his critics, including blogger Seth Allen, Virginia attorney Aaron Walker and Los Angeles deputy district attorney Patrick Frey.


Kimberlin is a known associate of Neal Rauhauser, a Democrat campaign consultant who has described himself as a computer “hacker.” Kimberlin, director of the tax-exempt Justice Through Music Project, is also involved in another tax-exempt group, Velvet Revolution, which has gained national attention by demanding criminal prosecution of high-profile figures including Republican strategist Karl Rove, U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue, and the late Internet news entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart. Kimberlin’s name also surfaced last year in connection with the so-called “Anonymous” international hacker conspiracy. Kimberlin has pursued numerous strategies to harass journalists and bloggers who have attempted to call attention to his criminal past and his notorious dishonesty — a “top-flight con man,” as Publisher’s Weekly called him in a review of award-winning journalist Mark Singer’s 1996 book, Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin.

This just pisses me off to no end. McCain’s only crime is being a REAL journalist and telling the truth. Do you think McCain or these other bloggers will EVER be able to relax as long as this asshat is out there? Never and the authorities won’t do a damn thing. Crickets all around. There is no justice here, just intimidation and persecution of good, decent, honest people by a leftist, insane terrorist thug. I’m sure that you will be surprised to know this is also connected to George Soros and the Center for American Progress. The man’s evil knows no limits.

This Friday, May the 25th, is BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech: “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.” If you have never been involved in a BlogBurst, they carry a stunning impact when enough of us get together and say with one voice, ‘Enough!’ Please Tweet, Facebook, email and post on Friday for this cause. It affects all of us and a movement has formed to build a defense fund and structure to support bloggers in the face of persecution of all forms. This needs to go far and wide and get to the major media outlets. Tell everyone – we may disagree on various issues, but we all agree on this one. Terrorism of all forms must be stopped. No one should have to be in fear for their life or the lives of their loved ones for blogging. No one.

From Michelle Malkin:

Ted Frank at Point of Law summed it up: “A scary tale of what can go wrong if one makes the wrong enemy of someone willing to persistently abuse the civil and criminal legal system, and how poorly the legal system protects those victims.”

Law blog Popehat:

Aaron’s story is quite long. (We had a tiny, tiny piece of it here.) But he supports it with primary documents and video recordings, and ultimately it’s a wrenching depiction of how the system doesn’t prevent crazy and/or evil people from victimizing innocents — a depiction of how the system can be the instrument of such victimization. It’s not a pretty story, but it’s worth reading.

Dan Collins:

That Kimberlin lied repeatedly in his sworn charges isn’t a surprise, but it is a deep disappointment that the Maryland prosecutor seems to think there’s no substantial public benefit to be procured by making wannabe mass murderer Kimberlin pay for his false testimony in trying to frame blogger Aaron Worthing. My opinion is that people who attempt to use the law and the legal system as a means of tortious aggression towards other citizens should be summarily sentenced on conviction to penalties at least twice as high as those they’ve contemplated for their targets.


First, this isn’t about dredging up a crime that happened 34 years ago. Kimberlin has done plenty since then. He made claims about selling pot to Dan Quayle — claims that the lefty author of a book about Kimberlin believes are false. He deceptively avoided paying a wrongful death judgment to the widow of the man he blew up. He sued a small-time blogger in 2011 for telling the truth about him, and made several false statements about his history under oath in an effort to win a large cash judgment. He made several provably false statements regarding his encounter with Aaron Walker, in an effort to get the State of Maryland to prosecute Walker. He has regularly defamed, harassed, and stalked people who criticized him.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, folks.

Michelle Malkin:

Background reading:

Aaron Walker: Summary/Preview of my Post “How Brett Kimberlin Tried to Frame Me for a Crime (And How You Can Help!)”

Immediate action items to help Aaron are here.

Stacy McCain: Brett Kimberlin Saga Takes a Bizarre Turn, Forcing Me to Leave Maryland

Patterico: Brett Kimberlin’s Latest “Peace Order” Against Aaron Walker Is Retaliation for Truthful Speech

One of the things that Kimberlin complains about is that Aaron has called Kimberlin a terrorist…

“Terrorism” is a fair way to describe what Brett Kimberlin did to the town of Speedway, Indiana in 1978, when he set off eight bombs over the course of several days. Kimberlin has been convicted of those bombings, one of which blew off the limbs of a Vietnam veteran named Carl DeLong, who committed suicide as a result of his injuries. Brett Kimberlin earned the right to be called a convicted domestic terrorist, and he should not be marching off to court complaining about it when someone calls him just that.

It is beyond the scope of this post to detail every way in which Kimberlin’s peace order is misleading and deceptive. Kimberlin complains that Aaron spoke of purchasing a gun, implying that Aaron’s statement was aggressive — when Aaron actually said he had bought a gun to defend himself. Kimberlin claims that Aaron is responsible for “alerts” coming to his email inbox, suggesting Aaron is emailing him, when in fact the “alerts” Kimberlin is talking about are Google alerts. If you write about this guy on the Internet, he may run to a judge and say you are causing abusive alerts to come to his email.

You might say: what’s the harm in getting a peace order? I have watched this play out in other venues and I know just what Kimberlin is up to. As soon as he gets a “peace order,” he will run back to court the very next time Aaron mentions his name in public. That means that Kimberlin asserts the right to abuse the court process to harass Aaron — and if Aaron tells the world how Kimberlin is abusing the court process, Kimberlin will claim that as a violation of the peace order and try to have Aaron held in contempt of court.

Kimberlin and his crew have relentlessly harassed Aaron, me, and others over the course of the last several months. It is not harassment for us to tell the world what happened to us. It could happen to any of you. His supporters have outed or threatened to out commenters to this very site. They talk about wives, children, and fathers of bloggers and commenters. They ceaselessly abuse everyone they can who speaks the truth about Kimberlin’s past.

Ultimately, this is a free speech issue. Kimberlin and his group of thugs have done their level best to attack everyone in the blogosphere who wrote anything negative about him. Now the blogosphere is starting to wake up, and there are so many critics he can’t possibly intimidate them all.

Informational articles by Liberty Chick:

And Larry O’Connor did this followup:

Bookworm Room:

Lee Stranahan offers the best (indeed, the only) way to respond to someone who relentlessly abuses the Free Speech rights America grants — MORE SPEECH:

This is no war of words; Kimberlin is a serial litigator who has filed over 100 lawsuits by his own account and he takes people to court, claiming they are harassing him. He calls their employers. I stand with all these people, some of whom are my friends. I’m launching a new effort on my own that I hope will help.

The only effective way to fight Brett Kimberlin is for as many people to research and write about him as possible.

So I’m declaring this Friday, May 25th as Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.

Here’s what you do to take part…

  • Research Brett Kimberlin on your own. Don’t trust secondary sources; look for the original articles articles published about him, too.
  • On Friday, May 25th — write an honest, factually accurate post about what you learned and what your OPINION is. Brett may try and sue you, so be accurate, factual and separate fact from opinion.
  • The post doesn’t have to be long — ANYTHING helps.
  • After you post, Tweet, share, whatever — get the post out there.

Bloggers Standing Against Terrorism in the Blogosphere:


  1. You can add my blog to your listing as of today, there are 8 posts regarding Kimberlin. I am deeply in the reviewing of off-shore financial transactions of Kimberlin and his supporters. My blog is

  2. Thanks for the link. Welcome aboard the Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day Blog Burst. This is my first one.


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