Is Trump a Fascist? No, Merely a Dangerously Narcissistic Bully

“What we are looking for here is the sort of person that slashes pictures, takes a hammer to Michelangelo’s statues and a flamethrower to books; someone who hates art and ideas so much that he wants to destroy them: a fascist.” Inspector Morse in “The Twilight of the Gods” (1993) In the 18th May edition of the Washington Post, Robert Kagan joined a growing chorus of public intellectuals who castigate … [Read more...]

James Fuller, Loughner Victim, Becomes Leftist Attacker, Hurls Death Threat

Here is a chain of events and the sensible can only wonder how it all plays in the minds of all the dupeniks out there. Apparent leftist, James Fuller gets shot in the Tucson Safeway parking lot by Communist Manifesto (Marx) & Mein Kampf (Hitler, National Socialist) fan, Jared Loughner. Media Matters and others play up Fuller's leftism as he attacks, care to guess? Let me give you a moment Sarah … [Read more...]

A Totalitarian Christmas Gift: Merry Chavismo, Venezuela!

Cross-posting from Ulf Erlingsson's blog: Venezuelas’ Hugo Chávez gave his subjects a very special gift on the eve of Christmas: A full-blown totalitarian dictatorship. Just like Hitler’s Nazis blindly followed their leader, so did many in Venezuela wish each other Feliz Chavidad (Merry Chavismo) instead of Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas). So many, in fact, that Chavidad was on the twitter popularity list in … [Read more...]