William Kay has contributed previously in the Gulag. He is a student of the Old European-side roots of the ecofascist movement, which has, collaborating with their Marxist cousins, given us the Agenda 21 strategy for the destruction of popular and national sovereignty and with it, Western Civilization - all in the name of environmentalism. One should note that Kay tends to refer to Old Europe's right-left paradigm, … [Read more...]
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The Royal Side of the Fascism Behind Agenda 21
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, Cultural Marxism, Destroy or Control the "Middle Class", How We Got Here, Human Pathology & Societal Corruption, Marxofascist Green, Marxofascist Strategy, Materialism, Neo-Marxism as Fascism Tagged With: Agenda 21, authoritarianism, ecofascism, environmentalism, Fascism, government domination of resources, Marxofascism, Nazism, the noble class, William Kay
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