Sen. Rand Paul called out the politicos of D.C. again today, for funding hostile nations abroad, "I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag." Here is a look back, at some of the evils that our money is confiscated by taxes to fund: "What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?" - September 29, 2012, And below is Senator Paul's speech at … [Read more...]
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Rand Paul’s CPAC Speech & Our Tax Money to Terrorists (video)
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, *Solutions*, A War - Win It, America's Sovereignties, Anti-Jew Anti-Israel, Authentic America, Cultural Marxism, Divorce from Constitutional Meaning, Fighting Dirty, Free Ourselves Economically, Intimidation Extortion Violence Terrorism, Legislation & Legislative Oversight, Marxofascist Strategy, Militarism vs the People, Moral Degeneration, Multiculturalism & Balkanization, Nationalization within a Globalist Marxofascist Model, Pervasive-Central-Militarist Policing & Surveillance, Political Correctness, Unified Intelligence Military & Law Enforcement Tagged With: filibuster, foreign policy, Islam Islamism jihad jihadism, our money to foreign interests, separation of powers, StandWithRand, taxation, U.S. Constitution
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