If you are like me you are wondering what the Obama Administration has in store for 2014. If it’s anything like what we’ve seen in the past we will need to sit down and buckle up. It’s most likely going to be another bumpy ride for those of us who would rather see the ride end and have our country returned to us in one piece. Included in the Obama Administration and what we need to watch for in 2014, at least in my … [Read more...]
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Progressive Republican Traitors Have Spoken

NoisyRoom By: AJ When Paul Ryan’s budget bill failed to pass in the Senate and there were reports that five Republican Senators joined the Democrats and voted against it, it only took a few seconds to guess three of the five. All I had to do was think of the Progressive (Socialist) Democrats who are posing as Republicans. The two Maine(iac) Progressive Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, were at … [Read more...]
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *Solutions*, 2012 Elections, Anti-America, Anti-Christianity, Banksters, Barack Obama, Central Banking Planning Manipulation & Control, Creating Class & Conflict, Crime Criminals & Thugs, Cultural Marxism, Deceit Fabianism False Flags & Sun Tzu, Destroy or Control the "Middle Class", Divorce from Constitutional Meaning, Dumbed Down Citizens & Slave-State Dependence, Elections, Elena Kagan: Marxist, Failed State Strategy: America, Fighting Dirty, Financiers Generous with Our Property, George Soros, How We Got Here, Illegal Immigration Inundation, Institutional Theft & Communitarianism, Intimidation Extortion Violence Terrorism, Marxist Crisis Strategy, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Militarily Weakening of America, Mortgage & Finance Abuse, Nationalization within a Globalist Marxofascist Model, Neo-Marxism as Fascism, Obamacare Marxofascism, Overwhelming Regulatory Encumbrance, Repeal Replace, Sexual Revolution, State Control of Resources Production Distribution, State Crony 'Capitalism', The Marxofascist Fix Tagged With: activism, anti-American revolution, authoritarianism, Barack Hussein Obama II, corruption, Crime Inc., crisis strategy, Democrat, Elena Kagan, finance & banking, George Soros, global Marxist-fascist movement, government domination of resources, health care, illegal immigration, Lisa Murkowski, Marxofascism, net neutrality, Obamacare health control, Olympia Snowe, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Republican, Right of Private Property, Sarah Palin, Scott Brown, sexual perversion, Sonia Sotomayor, Sovereignty, START Treaty, Susan Collins, Tea Party, U.S. Congress, U.S. Constitution, United Nations (UN), voting
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