Kelleigh Nelson's Tea Party series, parts 3 & 4 Parts 1 & 2: "The Tea Parties and the Jealous Power and Money" dealt with attempted big-money subversion by transnationalist tycoons, including David Koch and operations in controlled opposition by the Rockefeller family. - G u l a g - B o u n d - "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the … [Read more...]
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The Tea Parties: Organizers & Operators
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, *Solutions*, Controlled or Duped Opposition, Fighting Dirty, Foundations - CFR - Aspen Institute - Bilder - Etc., Investigations, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Rockefellers' Generational Curse, State Crony 'Capitalism' Tagged With: activism, Conservative Action Project (CAP), Council for National Policy (CNP), electoral college, FreedomWorks, John Birch Society (JBS), Newt Gingrich, psyops, Smart Girl Politics, Sun Myung Moon & Unification Church, Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots (TPP)
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