NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman Pamela Geller and Atlas Shrugs An interview with Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative. As the controversy continues to escalate over the placement of ads in New York City subways that call for a moral outcry against jihad and the pernicious deeds of radical Islamists around the world, Israel National News sat down with Pamela Geller, a co-founder of the American … [Read more...]
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Taking a Bold Stand Against ‘Savagery’ & Jihad – Subway Ads Generate Controversy in NYC
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, *Solutions*, 2012 Elections, A War - Win It, Anti-Jew Anti-Israel, Barack Obama, Collectivist Philosophies, Cultural Marxism, Elections, Homegrown Enemies of Free America, How We Got Here, Investigations, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Muslim Brotherhood's Bosses, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem Tagged With: Barack Hussein Obama II, Islam Islamism jihad jihadism, Israel, Shariah Law, terrorism, video
Muslims Crucifying ‘Infidels’ in Egypt, via US Backed Arab Springworks
Barbarians at the Gate NoisyRoom Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques, BB The Muslim Brotherhood, radical Islam and Iran are slouching towards the borders of Israel and are vowing to wipe her from the face of the earth. When psychotic, murdering tyrants speak, the world should listen. Iran is openly calling for a military alliance among Islamic nations to wage war against Israel. Even countries who have long … [Read more...]
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, *Solutions*, 2012 Elections, A War - Win It, Anti-America, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Jew Anti-Israel, Barack Obama, Collectivist Philosophies, Cultural Marxism, Elections, How We Got Here, Human Pathology & Societal Corruption, Investigations, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Muslim Brotherhood's Bosses, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem Tagged With: Barack Hussein Obama II, crucifixion, Egypt, EMP, Iran, Islam Islamism jihad jihadism, Israel, Jesus Christ, Christianity & Christians, Libya, Michele Bachmann, Military, Mitt Romney, Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, National Security, nuclear war, Paul Ryan, Shariah Law, Syria
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