Marxist Unions Sponsor Illinois GOP Event

New Zeal Everyone knows that the Illinois Democrat Party is in bed with the state's labor unions, but it appears that the state GOP is also cozy with the socialists. Proof of this relationship comes from a little brochure I found at the RNC in Tampa last week. SEIU, and AFSCME, both of which are dominated by Democratic Socialists of America, the US' largest Marxist organization, sponsored an Illinois GOP … [Read more...]

Tea Party vs. GOP, the RNC Power Grab & the Future

Preface from the Bound:  call this a message on the "good cop" side -- AW Doo Doo Economics   Mitt Romney will win the election in November. He has grassroots support from the tea party and the selection of Paul Ryan has cemented it. Gov. Romney must now concentrate on independent and moderate voters and make the case that he is the better choice for America. In that, Mitt will not fail. Mitt, … [Read more...]

The RNC Power Grab, a Young Conservative’s Warning

Gulag preface: This fine report with commentary was written as the dust from last week's injustice yet hung and swirled in the air. Of the eliminations of  republicanism in the new rules of the (a-hem) Republican National Committee, Rule 16 was amended to eliminate the magic, time-displacement disavowal of a delegate by the nominated candidate yet to be nominated by the... delegates. Got that? If you did, you … [Read more...]

VIDEO SHOWS: ‘The Ayes Have it’ on Teleprompter & Witnesses Tesitify – #RNCPowerGrab #GOP2012

Update Via contributor @OhSuzyQz, the testimony of April from Wyoming, yesterday (8/29) I was there. From where I was sitting the nays and yeses sounded fairly equal but others told me that they thought the nays sounded louder. Either way, there should have been an official count. No surprise that there wasn't though since every single detail was scripted on teleprompters, including who would make the motions, … [Read more...]

Witnesses Testify: ‘The Ayes Have it’ on the Teleprompter

UPDATE Shown, 2 minutes in:  August 29, 2012, 7:52pm CT, as published:   Evidence Shows RNC Rigged Vote on Rule Change at Republican Convention 2012? David Bellow Texas Conservative Republican News Witnesses say that Teleprompter scrolled "the ayes have it" even before the voice vote was taken. Also, video of the rule change vote at the Republican National Convention shows that the vote … [Read more...]

Virginia Delegation & Morton Blackwell Taken for a Ride; Prevented from GOP Rules Participation

As we reported yesterday, Morton Blackwell, the Virginia State Committeeman to the Republican National Convention and founder of Leadership Institute, took the lead in attempting to fight the authoritarian, central committee takeover of the Republican Party. He and the Virginia delegation were on their way to the critical Rules Committee meeting yesterday afternoon - they thought. They were actually, literally "taken … [Read more...]

Soros-funded Marxists to ‘Occupy the RNC’

By: Tina Trent Accuracy in Media   This is a Special Report from the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism Republican delegates arriving in Tampa for the convention this week will likely find one thing more oppressive than the humidity: hordes of motley Occupiers, political puppeteers, Teamsters, Code Pink activists dressed as giant female body parts, open-borders extremists, vegan Marxists, and … [Read more...]