New Zeal I'm currently in the US on a research trip, but will be doing one speech in San Mateo County, Northern California, this coming Saturday. See details below. I will be returning to the US in mid-July, for several weeks of speaking. I have more than 40 speeches booked so far to mainly Tea Party and GOP groups, in Southern California, Oregon, Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon to Speak in Northern California Saturday: Enquire NOW for July–Oct. Tour
Trevor Loudon’s Florida Itinerary – So Far!

New Zeal After attending CPAC in Washington DC, I'm launching my speaking tour of the US on St. Valentine's Day in beautiful Florida. I'll be promoting my book, "Barack Obama and the enemies within," speaking, doing media interviews and more research, until early May. I will then return for another 3 month tour beginning around August. Here is my Florida itinerary so far. It will be updated and … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon’s 2012 US Tours

New Zeal Hello readers. I'm planning two extensive stays in the US this year, possibly up to 6 months in total. I will be researching, networking, speaking, doing media interviews and promoting my book "Barack Obama and the Enemies Within." "Trevor Loudon does the job that few in the media ever even attempt. This eye-opening book is proof that one person really can make a difference, especially when … [Read more...]
KeyWiki Tops Ten Million Views

New Zeal Last week, our sister site KeyWiki, topped the 10,000,000 unique page views mark. Increasingly, KeyWiki, an online encyclopedia of the covert side of US politics, is being cited in articles and on occasion, attacked by those it exposes. With nearly 60,000 profiles of individuals and organizations, KeyWiki is creating a large "footprint" in cyberspace and rates near the top of page one in Google … [Read more...]
KeyWiki Gets a Little Publicity in Portland Maine

New Zeal An op-ed in Maine's Portland Daily Sun has taken a swipe at New Zeal's sister site KeyWiki. While negative in tone, the column by Bob Higgins does pay us a backhanded compliment or two, even if he gets my country of origin wrong - hint Bob, its similar to the name of this blog. While doing some background in a few stories lately, I constantly seem to be getting results from a page called … [Read more...]
Snared in the Soros Web

NoisyRoom I'm a digger, always have been... I dig until I uncover the facts, the truth is the only thing that stops me. Yesterday, I was doing what I love - uncovering the Progressives within The Sunlight Foundation, when I had an epiphany that rocked me. As all researchers will tell you, deep research is like putting together a puzzle, one piece at a time. Sometimes those pieces fall into place all at once, … [Read more...]
The Secret Life of Barack Obama

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Tabloids sometimes get the story right, such as when the National Enquirer exposed the love child of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. But its sister publication, the National Examiner (also published by American Media Inc.) has a real dud on its hands in the case of Mondo Frazier’s new book, The Secret Life of Barack Obama, which is promoted on the … [Read more...]
Barack Obama and the Enemies Within Hits No. 87 on Amazon!

New Zeal Thanks to the Tea Party, several radio interviews and a great plug from Glenn Beck, my book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” has jumped up to number 87 on Amazon (out of 600,000 titles). Off to a good start. Hopefully we can maintain the momentum. You can order copies here. I have so many people to thank for this. You know who you are. I won't make targets out of you, by naming you, … [Read more...]
Glenn Interviews Trevor Loudon

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Janet Meyerhoff Blaze Read more at Glenn Beck... … [Read more...]
Author Trevor Loudon Talks about What May be Coming from “Occupy Wall Street” in 2012; Says Attack on GOP Convention “Likely”

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at Freedom's Lighthouse... “They will come back bigtime in the Spring and right through next Summer, and they will create merry hell in every city in America that they can get away with. I think they will probably do things like attack the Republican Party Convention next year in Tampa. I think there will be a lot of aggression... and they will try to use the Election year … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon on GBTV Tonight

NoisyRoom I am thrilled to announce that tonight Trevor Loudon of New Zeal and KeyWiki will be on the Glenn Beck show on GBTV. 5 pm EST, 2 pm PST. As you know, Trevor has broken many of the stories on our Progressive leaders here in the states. Van Jones and Leon Panetta are just two of those. He has written an incredible book on Barack Obama and his ties which is the first in a series of books to come. … [Read more...]
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