Temporary Note, 10/31: Definitely going to update, edit, and round this out, soon -- and will bring it back to the top of the Resisters' Log, a.k.a., Gulag Blog list. It will have some big stuff about American Betrayal -- and maybe that third stanza. Happy All Spooks Night. Situational Awareness in the Gardens Now, to understand where you have come, Gain command of how things came to be. Look back, see … [Read more...]
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CRITICAL: Relearn the 20th Century – Three Must See Videos for All Adults (updated)
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, A War - Win It, Controlled or Duped Opposition, Cultural Marxism, Dumbed Down Citizens & Slave-State Dependence, Education as Mind Control, End the Fed, Financiers Generous with Our Property, Follow the Money, Foundations - CFR - Aspen Institute - Bilder - Etc., Homegrown Enemies of Free America, Institutional Theft & Communitarianism, Intimidation Extortion Violence Terrorism, Nationalization within a Globalist Marxofascist Model, Neo-Marxism as Fascism, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem, Secret Societies & Cults, Spies and Moles, State & Marxist Controlled Education, Top-Down Two-Party Control, Unified Intelligence Military & Law Enforcement Tagged With: anti-American revolution, Charlotte Iserbyt, foundations, G. Edward Griffin, global Marxist-fascist movement, history, Marxofascism, Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, Sovereignty, Stanley Monteith, United Nations (UN), video, youth & education
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