While I was visiting a relative, CBS evening news was on TV in the background. It felt like water torture hearing arrogant reporters authoritatively lie about president Trump and every political issue. Their deceptive message was: Republicans are mean and Democrats are good. Incredibly, 95% of the broadcast was fake news. Could I escape being bombarded with fake news in my car? No. Every news break on the radio … [Read more...]
I Doxed the #Eclipse – It’s #FakeNews! – #EclipseTruth Here! – Video Evidence
Scientific evidence! The eclipse was staged. "The camera doesn't lie!" You will note in the video that even I, during this concocted event, swallowed the propaganda of the Grand Solar Eclipse Hoax of 2017 -- making excuses, creating explanations on the fly according to the ways we have all been programmed, to dismiss what I was seeing before my very eyes. Bogus! Bogus! Bogus! Further comments … [Read more...]
‘I Hope You Can Let This Go,’ Updated Links
“'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,' Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. 'He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.'” - New York Times, 5/16/2017 New York Times, cant live with it, pass the beer nuts. For further reading: "Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’," Breitbart "Legal Expert Jon … [Read more...]
The Propaganda Network Behind Trump’s Bizarre Tabloid Charges
Accuracy in Media Until Tuesday, political observers thought Donald J. Trump got information about foreign affairs from the Sunday shows. Then we learned that he had relied on an unsubstantiated story in the National Enquirer for the facts about the assassination of John F.Kennedy. The charges were classic Russian disinformation. These had a double purpose—taking attention away from the communist conspiracy … [Read more...]
Roger Stone’s #StopTheSteal and #TheBigSteal is Really #TheBigLie
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Presidential candidate Donald Trump's unhinged ally Roger Stone has been pushing the fake narrative that if former Trump delegates vote for Cruz, they are somehow traitorous thugs who deserve a personal visit to their hotel rooms. In order to win the nomination, a candidate needs to acquire 1237 delegates prior to the Republican convention. If none of the candidates achieve the … [Read more...]
Provoke, Provocative: ISIS’ Beheadings Biz: Why Don’t Media Use the Words?
We know that ISIS devotes world class talent in public relations to its overall efforts. PR is very important to them. The media made a point, at first, of demonstrating this by exhibiting their "annual report" style manifesto, or perhaps a better phrase would be propaganda portfolio. (ISIS then proceeded to change their name to ISIL, to include "the Levant," very much signaling Israel as central to their … [Read more...]
APUSH Attack on America via Historical Revisionism: Background
It has been said that history is written by the winners of wars. In Fabianist Marxofascist schemes, wars are won by the re-writing of history. EXCLUSIVE: Texas is 'Nation's Last Best Chance' to Block APUSH, Say Experts Norman Dodd knew first-hand and he warned us of the soft treason (video and commentary in Gulag // full transcript via supremelaw.org): So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a … [Read more...]
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