Accuracy in Media Although the Associated Press and ABC’s Nightline program have taken apart Dinesh D’Souza’s film, “2016: Obama’s America,” another film about the President is strangely getting the silent treatment from the major media. This film, “Dreams from My Real Father,” explores in detail the relationship that Obama had with Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party member suspected by the FBI to be a … [Read more...]
The Other Anti-Obama Film
AP Protects Obama While Attacking Conservative Film

Accuracy in Media Beth Fouhy of the Associated Press (AP) has reviewed Dinesh D’Souza’s popular conservative film, “2016: Obama’s America,” attacking its central claim that Obama’s alleged philosophy of anti-colonialism stems from the influence of the Kenyan Obama who was mostly absent from the President’s life. The AP is one of the most influential news organizations in the world. Her article is running in … [Read more...]
MSNBC Fears Romney has White Appeal

Accuracy in Media Fear has set in at MSNBC. Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow are in a state of panic over the idea that Mitt Romney may appeal to white voters and that Obama may not. That Obama is running a campaign based on black racism and exploitation of ethnic divisions in society is of no concern to them. Citing polling data that blacks and Hispanics are going for Obama, Maddow said on her August 24 … [Read more...]
New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now

By: James Simpson Right Side News AB Independent Productions, in collaboration with Veteran investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, has released a new video that reveals in detail for the first time, the story of how communist and probable Soviet agent Frank Marshall Davis – arguably the most influential person in Obama’s life – was discovered, and how the national media attempted to cover … [Read more...]
Misunderstanding McCarthyism

Accuracy in Media When Professor Paul Kengor was on Sean Hannity’s radio show and later on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News program, the hosts went out of their way to make sure that the author of the new book, The Communist, about Barack Obama’s mentor, was not saying that Obama himself was a communist. It was almost as if Kengor had been warned not to get too personal with his revelations. He was allowed to talk … [Read more...]
The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part II

NoisyRoom By: James Simpson Right Side News This is the sequel to the Part I exclusive published by Right Side News on Wednesday, August 1st. In Part I, Trevor Loudon, who was among the first to expose Obama's radicalism, exposes the relationship between President Obama and a high level, pro-Soviet operative, Alice Palmer, actively involved with known Soviet and communist front organizations at the height of … [Read more...]
What are the Chances? Obama, Jarrett & Axelrod all Connected to Communist Frank Marshall Davis

New Zeal Paul Kengor PhD, author of The Communist, a biography of Barack Obama's boyhood mentor and ardent communist, Frank Marshall Davis, has penned an important article for The American Spectator. It seems that not only Obama was connected to Frank Marshall Davis, but the president's two most trusted friends and advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, can also trace their political heritage back … [Read more...]
The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part I

Right Side News By: James Simpson for Right Side News The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connnection On Thursday, July 19th, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival held a critical National Press Club event: The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection. At this pivotal time, we face a national election that may well determine the fate of our great country. And as America goes, so goes the … [Read more...]
Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up

Accuracy in Media Obama biographer David Maraniss wrote an 1139-word article, “The Audacity of Doubt,” for The Washington Post on Sunday that purported to be a refutation of what some critics have been saying about the President. Maraniss focuses mostly on questions about Obama’s religion and place of birth and pretends to have the answers. However, Maraniss ignored the fact that the critics were right four … [Read more...]
New Conservative Film Downplays Obama’s Marxism

Accuracy in Media The new conservative film, “Obama’s America: 2016,” offers a lot of good information but muddies the waters as Americans, during this critical election year, look outside the major media for information about their President. Instead of educating people about the communist influence over Barack Obama, an unprecedented and shocking development for an American president, filmmaker Dinesh … [Read more...]
Reason to Hate: Barack Obama’s Racist Roots

By: Rusty Weiss and Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media The morning after Election Day, 2008, The New York Times proclaimed that Barack Obama’s victory had swept “away the last racial barrier in American politics.” However, as the President’s first term draws to a close, a case can be made that the historic election was anything but post-racial; rather, it has been the most racially polarizing presidency in … [Read more...]
Rupert Murdoch Should Get Tough on Obama

Accuracy in Media Rupert Murdoch is upset with the Mitt Romney campaign and its failure to go after Barack Obama. Murdoch says he wants to “save us from socialism” but that Romney, who told Bill O’Reilly that he doesn’t want to call Obama a socialist, isn’t prepared for the task ahead. Murdoch refers to the tough “Chicago pros” around Obama. They “will be hard to beat unless he [Romney] drops old friends from … [Read more...]
Beck to Publish Blockbuster on Obama’s Communist Mentor

Accuracy in Media Seizing on the scandal involving President Obama’s “open mic” obsequious conversation with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Glenn Beck has announced that Paul Kengor’s explosive new book on Frank Marshall Davis will be published this summer through Beck’s Mercury Ink outlet. Davis was a pro-Moscow communist who helped raise and mentor Obama. Davis, Beck says, is the key to understanding … [Read more...]
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