If America were led in its halls of power by transnational saboteurs, trained in neo-Marxist* methods for destroying the free and independent United States of America, all for the sake of gradualist but hard and heavy revolution, then you might find it extorting our own money and feeding it to (additional) enemies of personal sovereignty, freedom and peace, both here and in other highly strategic spots … [Read more...]
Sabotage at Home & Abroad: Obama & Kerry Robbing Us to Pay Jihadis Attacking Israel
Stop Calling it Foreign Aid
NoisyRoom.net … [Read more...]
Malicious Compliance: Relief Aid from USA to Iraqis a Horrific Joke
NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: Nelson Abdullah Iraq is turning into a massive killing field. Mount Sinjar runs red with the blood of the Yazidi, who are being systematically exterminated. The entire place smells of death and suffering. And Obama hits the golf course, because only Christians and non-Muslim Iraqis die young in Iraq. So who cares? Fore! Looking for a wild time? I've got just the right place for … [Read more...]
Rand Paul’s CPAC Speech & Our Tax Money to Terrorists (video)
Sen. Rand Paul called out the politicos of D.C. again today, for funding hostile nations abroad, "I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag." Here is a look back, at some of the evils that our money is confiscated by taxes to fund: "What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?" - September 29, 2012, GulagBound.com And below is Senator Paul's speech at … [Read more...]
What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?
by Ronald Solomon, @OhSuzyQz, & Arlen Williams This article includes a few videos and here is one to start us off, for those who like a little music with their reading,What's that at its end, about respecting people's private property? What is the cost of subsidizing Islamic countries that hate us? The average median income for a family of four in the United States is $51,000.00. Such a family … [Read more...]
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