Donald Trump IS a Third Party Candidate (and the Next U.S. President)

#NPDTrump  Donald Trump is a third-party candidate. He is the candidate of the Trump Cult Party. He has put together a new coalition of the scared and the disgruntled that cuts across old, traditional political party lines. The Democrats cannot attack his policies because on many crucial issues he shares their views. The Republicans don’t dare to confront or shun him because he has garnered millions of largely new … [Read more...]

Narcissist of Appearance vs. Narcissist of Substance

Why do some narcissists end up being over-achievers, pillars of the community, and accomplished professionals - while their brethren fade into obscurity, having done little of note with their lives? There seem to be two types of narcissists: those who derive ample narcissistic supply from mere appearances (“Potemkin narcissists”) and those whose narcissistic supply consists of doing substantial deeds, of acting as … [Read more...]

Will Trump Quit the Race?

Even his most ardent foes agree that Trump is not stupid and that he is a relentless fighter. Based on what flimsy evidence? His own repeated and vociferous reassurances, of course. Yet, when we apply the cold instruments of psychology to both boasts, they appear to be decidedly shaky. (I will dispense with his claim that he is intelligent by referring the reader to the incredible transcripts of his recent … [Read more...]

The Trump Revolution (NPD & Angry Followers’ Shared Psychosis)

American Thinker Trump’s supporters and fans are frustrated. In 1939, a team of psychologists, led by John Dollard, hypothesized that frustration always leads to aggression. Legitimate grievances against a dysfunctional, corrupt, and compromised polity, a deceptive ethos, an American Dream turned nightmare, a broken system that no longer works for the overwhelming majority and appears to be unfixable lead … [Read more...]

Donald Trump & Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Sam Vaknin Interview, Expanded

Updated, below Expanded from American Thinker We may believe we know celebrities from the familiarity of their video appearances. But the persona we may get used to seeing is not necessarily the real, nor whole person. Some now see candidate Donald Trump's public behavior and are quite concerned. Is he merely the benign if very outspoken rogue, as so often depicted by grinning pundits? A known quantity? I … [Read more...]

Fine! Updated with Hitler, the #AttackWatch!! Commercial + Black & Red Reruns

"Don't think we're not keeping score, brother." - Barack Obama "Don't think that'll keep you from losing, Big Brother." - Gulag Bound ACHTUNG! UPDATE! - Alright, Alright! We'll post the Hitler video, too.  ;-`  If you love him, you'll pass the #AttackWatch. conserARTive video, "Hitler Discovers ATTACKWATCH is a Joke!" h/t: @redneckchip and others bound  Also, for another really important thing, see: "Fraud … [Read more...]