Gulag Alert: also see "WEAPONS HUNTING: The Reason for the 9-11 Murders in Libya" September 20, 2012 Accuracy in Media On the Letterman show, President Barack Obama once again blamed Middle East violence on a movie, adding that he was concerned about the “shadowy character” behind it. That “shadowy character” was picked up by the police, acting on behalf of the federal government, in order to begin the … [Read more...]
Why are they Lying? (the Obamunists, about 9-11-2012)
Muslims Crucifying ‘Infidels’ in Egypt, via US Backed Arab Springworks
Barbarians at the Gate NoisyRoom Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques, BB The Muslim Brotherhood, radical Islam and Iran are slouching towards the borders of Israel and are vowing to wipe her from the face of the earth. When psychotic, murdering tyrants speak, the world should listen. Iran is openly calling for a military alliance among Islamic nations to wage war against Israel. Even countries who have long … [Read more...]
The Rise and Threat of Radical Islam: An Interview with Brigitte Gabriel
Accuracy in Media With so much media attention in this country focused on the presidential race and the Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare, not enough attention is being paid to much of what is going on in the Middle East, and at the United Nations. Egypt has recently chosen as its next president Mohamed Morsi, who was the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood. He has since ended his association, at least … [Read more...]
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