I was tweeting with someone earlier today on Twitter and the subject came around to the 2016 elections. Both of us agreed that Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas would make an excellent choice for the presidential candidate. I then suggested Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah as his vice-presidential running mate. After tweeting that out, I decided to do a little investigative work into his background so … [Read more...]
The Blaze Tries to Innoculate Mitt’s Mormonism against Scrutiny Republicans Fail to Offer
Contributor: @TallulahStarr Glenn Beck's publication is apparently attempting to inoculate for Romney's Mormon set issues, Beck having come out of the closet (and come clean?) by endorsing Romney. In 2008, he took a similar course, with perhaps not quite so many stops to demonstrate (feign?) support for other candidates along the way. Habit patterns are telling. There are numerous sets of issues for Mitt … [Read more...]
Demonizing Traditional Catholicism while Ignoring Mormon Idiosyncrasies
Some Republican image brokers are hallucinating if they think their candidate, Mitt Romney, is immune from the charge of religious extremism. In reality, the shoe of religious extremism fits Mitt Romney’s foot far better than it does even Rick Santorum’s. Characterizing a traditional Catholic as extreme, all the while ignoring the Mormonism of Romney, is one of the most surreal moments to date in this year’s … [Read more...]
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