Megyn Kelly who has, apparently, come out of the closet in order to let us know that she can be as much of a leftie as her colleague Chris Wallace—and certainly her friends at CNN and MSNBC—when she asked questions and made several scathing comments that could have been devastating to Trump and ended his candidacy. Kelly would then—ostensibly--have the leftist street creds to laughingly say to friends at in-home … [Read more...]
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Interview: C. Steven Tucker After the IRS Audit Hit Job on Bill Elliott & Himself

This administration is canceling health insurance plans all over the nation that they designed under the PPACA regulations in order to force these existing policy holders to subsidize the high cost of the “Medal” plans which will be available inside and outside the new ‘Health Insurance Marketplace” beginning 1/1/14. This is a deliberate action the administration new about for more than 3 years. Cancer and Obamacare … [Read more...]
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, Destroy or Control the "Middle Class", Government Harassment, Intimidation Extortion Violence Terrorism, Neo-Marxism as Fascism, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem, Obamacare Marxofascism Tagged With: authoritarianism, Bill Elliott, Fascism, Fox News, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Megyn Kelly, Obamacare health control
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